The Fiji Times

Vatubua to fight NZ boxer


FORMER IBO (Internatio­nal Boxing Organizati­on) World Champion Renold Charles Samuela Vatubua is set to face New Zealand boxer Robert Berridge in the main bout of the Toe-to-Toe Boxing Promotion in November.

Vatubua, who shares maternal links to Kadavu, has fought 29 profession­al bouts all over the world since his debut in the ring 15 years ago.

And under his belt, the 34-year-old has a total of 16 wins, 11 by knockout alongside 13 losses in the Light Heavy Division.

According to promoter Abdul Feroz, the event is scheduled to be held at the Vodafone Arena in Suva on November 18.

“This will probably be the biggest boxing event of the year because we have a former world champion taking part in the event,” he said.

Feroz, who returns to promoting after 12 years, says he is happy to be back getting involved in a sport he loves.

“It’s good to be back, and to kick start, I wanted to bring the biggest fight to Fiji.

“Quinlan is an exceptiona­l boxer, who has fought world-class boxers all around the world.”

He labels this bout as one boxing fans and enthusiast­s would not want to miss.

“I don’t think there’s been a fight as big as this in a very long time, and I am encouragin­g boxing fans to come out in numbers and witness the fight.”

There will be seven other bouts before the main bout, and Feroz is anticipati­ng an exciting event.

“We have a list of good and exciting fights before the main one, and I am very excited for the event.”

However, this will not be the first time Quinlan fights an internatio­nal bout here in Fiji.

His first was back in 2013 against Joseph Kwadjo, who he managed to beat by unanimous decision after making his debut in the profession­al arena back in 2008.

On the other hand, Berridge will be entering the ring with an impressive record under his belt.

Known back in New Zealand as “The Butcher” the 38-year-old has a total of 30 wins with 22 by knockout, and 10 losses with one draw.

 ?? Picture: MELI LADDPETER ?? Promoter Abdul Feroz (right), boxer Reynold Vatubua (middle) and Seremaia Navabale from the Prime Minister’s Office at the Vodafone Arena in Suva yesterday.
Picture: MELI LADDPETER Promoter Abdul Feroz (right), boxer Reynold Vatubua (middle) and Seremaia Navabale from the Prime Minister’s Office at the Vodafone Arena in Suva yesterday.
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