The Fiji Times

Players hold clinics

- By RODNEY DUTHIE in France

SEVERAL players from the FIJI Water Flying Fijians camp visited the Club de Rugby Lormont to hold clinics with more than 100 children in Bordeaux, France yesterday.

Head coach Simon Raiwalui was joined by players Vilive Miramira, Iosefo Masi, Selestino Ravutaumad­a, Simione Kuruvoli

and Zuriel Togiatama, and some of the coaching staff.

The team took the children from as young as four years old through some drills which emphasised the fun of playing rugby.

Raiwalui said it was a good opportunit­y to give back to the community that was hosting them during the Rugby World Cup.

“It’s really good to be involved with the community. We’re really grateful to the Club de Rugby Lormont for hosting us, it’s good to be back. There’s some good skills shown and it’s good for the future,” he said.

“I don’t think any of them have any Fijian in them but there are good kids out there.

“It’s always good to get back to the grassroots. Obviously, this is the future of the sport, getting the participat­ion numbers up and we’ve got a really good drive in Fiji as well.

“In a long campaign like this, it’s good to get away in the sun, get a bit of a walk around and just enjoy other people’s company.

“We’re very grateful to the town of Lormont for providing all the facilities. It’s good to give back to the people who have provided for us, and giving back to the community is really good.”

Togiatama said coming out and giving something back to the children of France allowed the players to reconnect to what they normally did back home.

“After all, these children are the future of French rugby and it’s a blessing to be here,” he said.

“We really tried to emphasise the fun in rugby before the technical side of the game.”

The club’s under-10 coach Guillemot Ludovic said they were grateful to the Fiji team for sharing their knowledge with the children.

“We are very glad to have Fiji here today. Part of the team is here and it is a really good time to have them here,” Ludovic said.

“For the children, it’s a dream come true. This may be the only time that we have the Fiji team at our club and we are very grateful. We are very proud to be hosting the Fiji team.

“French people like Fijians a lot because they are a relaxed side, a very solid team.”

He said if France did not make the final, they would be rooting for Fiji to win the world cup.

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