The Fiji Times

Singh: No more unfair treatment


MINISTER for Employment, Productivi­ty and Industrial Relations Agni Deo Singh has given assurance to members of the Fiji Trades Union Congress (FTUC) that there will be no more unfair treatment while he is in the ministry.

He highlighte­d this during the FTUC National Council Meeting in Suva yesterday.

“We will make sure that all your rights are in place,” he said.

“That your freedom of associatio­n, expression, and the right to join a union organisati­on of your choice, all those rights that we know are enshrined in the Constituti­on and the instrument­s that we have signed with the Internatio­nal Labour Organizati­on (ILO) will be in place.

“That’s what I can assure you and I am pleading with you to work with us in good faith and whenever there is a dispute come along, we will try to resolve it in a proper manner.”

FTUC general secretary Felix Anthony said members certainly hoped what the minister assured was possible.

“Right now, that’s a challenge that we have, and a lot will depend on the Labour Law Review,” he said.

“The new Employment Relations Act that we are talking about with employers and Government

will of course depend a lot on the enforcemen­t ability of the Ministry of Labour.

“And of course, that will depend on a lot of the restoratio­n of workers’ rights — the right to belong to a union, the rights to collective bargaining and of course an efficient court system where workers can address their issues.

“So, there’s quite a few factors there but like I said it’s a challenge and we must work towards that.”

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