The Fiji Times

Education summit


THE three-day 2023 National Education Summit was a timely call made by the Ministry of Education.

The summit included Ministry of Education officials, Minister for Education and Ministry of Education permanent secretary, Fiji Government officials, education donor partners, non-government agencies, statutory and private organisati­ons.

Therefore, the summit was critical in paving a roadmap for a better education system in Fiji.

“Education is the foundation of a strong nation,” — Gavoka.

This means the summit was a strong platform to give new directions and bridge disparitie­s in the education system in Fiji.

According to Acting Prime Minister Viliame Gavoka, Fiji has lost over 10 per cent of its experience­d workforce in the past 18 months.

If the trend continues in the same rate, in the next three to four years’ time Fiji will lose approximat­ely 300,000 people, including people who are on work permits, students who are on student visa and those who are part of the Pacific Labour Mobility Scheme.

This is very concerning for a small country such as Fiji.

An average of a teacher resigning every day.

The youth unemployme­nt rate is 37 per cent, doubled from past few years.

An astounding number of school dropouts who lack basics on numeracy and literacy, there is a big disparity in student numbers by gender — more females in schools than males, more females complete secondary and tertiary education than males. What’s happening and where are we heading to in our education systems in Fiji.

This is where the summit must come in probably to address the exiting issues in the education system and take education into new directions.


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