The Fiji Times

Six years after birth


COUPLE’S quest to register their daughter with the Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages six years after she was born has finally succeeded.

The couple from Nasea, located past Naduri Village in the Macuata Province, was overjoyed that they were assisted by Empower Pacific to get a birth certificat­e for their daughter.

Their last knock for help was on our doors in February and they were successful in getting their needs addressed.

The little girl’s story dates back to 2017 when she was born.

She was three years old when her biological mother left the family with the birth notificati­on issued by the hospital.

The birth notificati­on is something that is needed when registerin­g the birth of a child.

After being left by her biological mother, her father settled with another woman who played a major role in getting her stepdaught­er’s birth registrati­on done.

They walked into the Empower Pacific Labasa office in February this year and our social worker, Adi Selai Ritova, took their case.

Adi Selai said the girl’s father had made efforts to contact her biological mother and get the birth notificati­on from her, for registrati­on purposes but his attempts were in vain.

She said they found it difficult to enrol her in pre-school because she did not have a birth certificat­e.

“They tried to contact her and so did the Department of Social Welfare but their attempts to do so were futile,” she said.

“However, they were able to collaborat­e with the Ministry of Education and this enabled the child to attend school while the birth registrati­on issue was in process.”

Adi Selai said the process of getting a birth certificat­e done coupled with a lack of informatio­n on how and what to do in regards to attaining the birth certificat­e for the child resulted in them having disagreeme­nts, disputes an hardships.

It was not until they saw an Empower Pacific advertisem­ent on television one day, regarding the counsellin­g helpline, that they decided to reach out with the hope of finding a solution to their problem. Adi Selai said it was during an Empower Pacific workshop in May that she learned more about child welfare from two people who spoke on the issue at length.

They were the Child Protection Specialist in the Child Protection Programme at UNICEF Pacific Multi- Country Office and former magistrate, Salote Kaimacuata and Senior Legal Officer at Legal Aid Commission, Sokoveti Daunivesi.

“I was quite motivated after the workshop and after talking to them. A knock on the Divisional Registrar Northern’s office doors in June was a solace,” said Adi Selai.

“He made the appointmen­t date himself and assured the couple that he would assist them. The long wait by the couple to register the child’s birth was finally over.

“They were able to register the child under her biological father in June and were issued with the child’s birth certificat­e, six years after she was born.”

Adi Selai said this was one of her most successful cases so far this year.

She pursued the couple’s case because they were running around for the past two years.

“I found this case significan­t because it was a child protection,” Adi Selai said.

“The child was supposed to attend kindergart­en but she did not have a birth certificat­e and her biological mother had made things more complicate­d instead of in the best interest of the child,” she said.

The girl’s stepmother, whom we shall refer to as client, said, “There was no birth certificat­e for my child and we were unable to contact her biological mother.”

Considerin­g the distance from their village to Labasa Town and other factors, they also had financial constraint­s to meet transporta­tion costs while running around to get things done.

“But, now, we have been able to get a birth certificat­e for my child. And my child is able to attend kindergart­en now,” she said.

“We are very grateful to Empower Pacific and Adi Selai for everything that you have done to help us in getting our child’s birth registered six years after she was born,” said the client.

This is one of the unique cases handled by Empower Pacific recently and its successful outcome has put smiles on the faces of the couple, their other children and the little girl herself.

So, do not hesitate to call our toll-free helpline 5626 for counsellin­g or informatio­n on the services we provide as an NGO.


 ?? Picture: SUPPLIED ?? Empower Pacific social worker Adi Selai helps out a couple.
is Empower Pacific’s media and communicat­ions officer based in Lautoka. The views expressed in this article belong to the author and do not necessaril­y reflect the views of this newspaper.
Picture: SUPPLIED Empower Pacific social worker Adi Selai helps out a couple. is Empower Pacific’s media and communicat­ions officer based in Lautoka. The views expressed in this article belong to the author and do not necessaril­y reflect the views of this newspaper.
 ?? Picture: SUPPLIED ?? Empower Pacific’s 24/7 and toll free counsellin­g helpline.
Picture: SUPPLIED Empower Pacific’s 24/7 and toll free counsellin­g helpline.
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