The Fiji Times

The City of Saint Denis


VERY week The Sunday Times brings you informatio­n and pictures on one of RWC

2023’s host cities in France. This week we explore St-Denis.

Since 1998 and the constructi­on of the Stade de France® for the FIFA World Cup, Saint-Denis has continued to host major internatio­nal sporting competitio­ns and to attract visitors with its rich heritage.

History buffs can visit the Basilica of SaintDenis to relive the great hours of the French monarchy! And don’t forget the former royal abbey and the Paul Eluard art and history museum.

If you’re a fan of colour, take a stroll down the street art avenue along the Canal SaintDenis, where artists express their creativity in public spaces transforme­d into art galleries.

If you’ve got a sweet tooth, take a stroll through the Saint-Denis market, the largest in Ile-de-France region, or try out the gourmet itinerarie­s offered by the Tourist Office.

The Basilica of Saint-Denis

The basilica of Saint-Denis is a major building in the history of France.

The first elements of Gothic architectu­re appeared here as early as the 12th century, with ribbed vaults and high windows. It then became a royal necropolis under the reign of King Saint Louis in the

13th century.

Magnificen­t stained-glass windows, some of which have been restored, illuminate 800 years of funerary sculpture, from medieval recumbent figures to 16th-century mausoleums. The basilica has stood the test of time and stands as a symbol of French heritage. More informatio­n:


The City of Saint Denis.

 ?? Picture: WWW.RUGBYWORLD­CUP.COM ?? Street Art Avenue.
Picture: WWW.RUGBYWORLD­CUP.COM Street Art Avenue.

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