The Fiji Times

Lautoka rules league HAVE YOUR SAY Hussein swings to victory


LAUTOKA has won the 2023 Digicel Fiji Premier League (DFPL) title after Ba held Rewa to a one-all draw at Churchill Park in Lautoka on Friday night.

Going into the game with 32 points, the Delta Tigers needed a win to stay in the contention for the title as Lautoka had 37 points.

Creative midfielder Tevita Waranaival­u’s goal in the first half put Rewa ahead as they held a slender lead going into the break.

Ba’s lethal strike weapon Nabil Begg dashed Rewa’s hopes of clinching the DFPL title after he equalised for the Men-in-Black in the second half.

Ba coach Asif Khan said his boys put on a very good performanc­e holding a very strong

Rewa team to a draw.

“Our last game is against Suva tomorrow (today) and we want to end the season on a high note as we prepare for the Inter

District Championsh­ip (IDC),” said Khan.

He added that Rewa fielded a very strong side as they needed the full three points.

“I salute the boys as they got the job done. They believed in themselves and got the equalizing goal in the second half,” said Khan.

Following the win, Ba now has 22 points and sit on 7th spot on the ladder board.

With 37 points, the Blues match today against Navua would just be a formality as even if Rewa manages to secure the full three points against Tavua in their final DFLP match, they would still fall short.

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FIJI Order of Merit leader Abid Hussein took out the 53rd R C Manubhai Ba Golf Open 2023 Championsh­ip that concluded at the Fiji Sugar Corporatio­n Golf Club in Ba.

The Nadi businessma­n defended his title, after he shot three over par in the 36 holes stroke event. Hussein had a total shot count of 141.

Shakil Pillay finished in second place with a shot behind Hussein, as he shot four over par with a total of 142.

In the profession­al category, Zoheer Ahmed finished first after he hit five under par with a total of 133.

Runner up in the profession­al category, Tomasi Tuivuna shot three under par with a total of 135.

Ba Golf Club captain Rohit Chandra said the event was a successful one.

“We had 96 starters, which was a good field for a ninehole gold course. There are lot of plans for the future,” said Chandra.

He added that the weather was perfect as well and they were expecting around 120 players for the event next year.

 ?? Picture: BALJEET SINGH ?? Lautoka’s Sairusi Nalaubu tries to control possession against Suva during their DFPL clash at Churchill Park in Lautoka on Sunday, September 3.
Picture: BALJEET SINGH Lautoka’s Sairusi Nalaubu tries to control possession against Suva during their DFPL clash at Churchill Park in Lautoka on Sunday, September 3.
 ?? ??
 ?? Picture: FILE ?? Abid Hussein.
Picture: FILE Abid Hussein.

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