The Fiji Times

Maejiirs leads again


JOSEPHINE Maejiirs has once again been given the call-up to the captaincy role of the Fiji Bulikula side to next month’s Test match against Fetu Samoa at the Pacific Championsh­ip as a stepping stone to qualifying for the 2026 Women’s Rugby League World Cup.

The appointmen­t of Maejiirs as captain of the Fiji side was announced on Friday by Fiji National Rugby League chairman Aporosa Lutunauga.

However, this will not be the first time for Maejiirs to captain the national side.

She has been captaining the Bulikula for the past four years, since their first internatio­nal match back in 2019.

“It’s such an honour to be callup as captain, and I am happy and always ready to represent Fiji,” the Lau lass said.

“To be leading the country and the team is something i cherish very much, and do not take lightly.”

With the side currently preparing for their Test match against Samoa on October 15, Maejiirs’s main objective is to help the Bulikua qualify for the world cup.

“That’s the ultimate goal, and that is to come out with a win and to help the girls reach the World Cup.”

Maejiirs, who left work from Australia to help the side prepare for the Test match, is adamant that her side has what it takes to qualify.

“I left work for two weeks, to be able to be here with the girls and just prepare with whatever time we have left.”

Maejiir, who played for South Sydney in the New South Wales Women’s Rugby League competitio­n, helped the Bulikulas to a historic win in 2019 where they managed to beat Pacific powerhouse, Papua New Guinea 28-0.

“We are very fortunate that we have a lot of Fijian girls that play at NRLW level and the girls overseas are willing to come across and help get us to the Rugby League World Cup.

“But after this test, the aim is to help develop our local girls who are in the squad, so by 2026 they will be in a phenomenal shape to compete.”

 ?? Picture: NRL ?? Josephine Maejiirs.
Picture: NRL Josephine Maejiirs.

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