The Fiji Times

Jones unsure of his future


EDDIE Jones has refused to commit to the Wallabies beyond the Rugby World Cup and concedes he might get sacked by Rugby Australia if results don’t meet expectatio­ns.

After months of outlining his vision to transform the Wallabies beyond the world cup in France, Jones sidesteppe­d questions in Lyon when quizzed about his long-term commitment to Australian rugby.

Jones replaced Dave Rennie in January on a fiveyear deal that would take him through until the 2027 World Cup.

However, six losses from seven tests this year has forced Jones to concede results are nowhere near good enough.

After a 22-15 loss to Fiji last Monday, Australia must beat Wales tomorrow to have a realistic hope of making it out of the pool stage.

“I think I’m 100 per cent doing the right thing for Australian rugby,” Jones said. “I apologise for the results. I can get down on my knees and do the Japanese thing if you want me to. I can’t apologise any more guys. I’m really sorry.

“I’ve let Australian rugby down. I haven’t done the job I was brought in to do. I was brought in to turn it around, so I feel that responsibi­lity. Do I approach it differentl­y? No. Just get the team well-prepared. That’s the only thing I can control.”

In an interview with

Newscorp this week, Jones made the comment that his time as Wallabies coach may “finish in three weeks or finish in three years”.

Jones was asked what he meant.

“Well, at the end of the world cup, there’ll be a review,” Jones said. “Given the results we’ve had, then maybe Australian rugby doesn’t want to keep me? That’s the reality of the job I live in and I understand that.”

Senior RA officials have told this masthead there is no intention of sacking Jones. Asked if he was fearful of being sacked, Jones said: “No. I’m just worried about coaching against Wales this week.”

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Picture: STUFF Eddie Jones.

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