The Fiji Times

Minister: Relocation of dump site in planning stages Delegation embarks on spiritual journey


MAJOR health hazards caused by the consistent fire from the Vunato dump site will soon be a thing of the past for the people of Lautoka with the relocation of the dump to a suitable location away from the city.

Local Government Minister Maciu Nalumisa made this known to Lautoka ratepayers this week at the launch of a new convenienc­e facility for women involved in recycling.

“I wish to inform you all that a project is in the planning stages to relocate this dump site to a more suitable location, away from the city, and establish a landfill and associated recycling facility,” the minister said.

“This will also ensure that the nuisance experience­d from the frequent fires at the dump site can be overcome permanentl­y.

“The health and wellbeing of the ratepayers and residents remain our top priority.”

Mr Nalumisa said the government and its municipal councils remain committed to invest and develop modern facilities in considerat­ion of the needs and demands of the communitie­s. He said they continued to ensure environmen­tal issues were prioritise­d for the needs of the present and future generation­s.

Earlier this year, the Lautoka City Council senior health inspector Salen Singh said the Vunato landfill was located near the coastline, which posed an environmen­tal risk.

He said a serious issue with Vunato was the constant burning of the dump.

“This is an issue that is not new to all of us and there are many factors involved that contribute to this ongoing problem,” Mr Singh added.

FIJIANS who are members of the Internatio­nal Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ – Fiji Branch) left the country yesterday morning on a chartered Fiji Airways flight to attend the annual Feast of Tabernacle­s celebratio­n in Israel.

The flight had a stopover in Hong Kong before flying off to Tel Aviv and amongst the passengers was paramount

“We are privileged again to welcome the nations to Jerusalem for Sukkot, according to the ancient vision of the Hebrew prophet Zechariah,” said Internatio­nal

Christian Embassy Jerusalem President Dr Jürgen Bühler.

“We trust that as they encounter Israel up close, they will return to their home countries with a deeper love for this nation and a fresh inspiratio­n from God, in keeping with Isaiah’s prophecy that the word of the Lord will go forth from Jerusalem.”

Fiji is set to open a new embassy in Israel next year which was an election pledge of the SODELPA party.

 ?? Picture: SUPPLIED ?? Members of the Fijian delegation at the Nadi airport yesterday morning to board the charter flight to Israel. chief of the Burebasaga confederac­y and Roko Tui Dreketi Ro Teimumu Kepa.
The Fijian delegation will join about 3000 other internatio­nal delegates for the eight-day Sukkot gathering that will run from September 29 to October 6.
Picture: SUPPLIED Members of the Fijian delegation at the Nadi airport yesterday morning to board the charter flight to Israel. chief of the Burebasaga confederac­y and Roko Tui Dreketi Ro Teimumu Kepa. The Fijian delegation will join about 3000 other internatio­nal delegates for the eight-day Sukkot gathering that will run from September 29 to October 6.
 ?? Picture: BALJEET SINGH ?? The Vunato dump site.
Picture: BALJEET SINGH The Vunato dump site.

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