The Fiji Times

Singing the blues away


AT the age of 27 Jedidiah Kalomani Tuinasavus­avu is slowly engraving her name in the hearts of local music lovers.

Originally from Vaturomulo in the district of Vaturova in Cakaudrove with maternal links to Malake, of Saqani, Cakaudrove, she bagged third place at the recent Fiji Music Comp.

This did not come as a surprise to her close family members and friends.

Jedidiah comes from a musically talented family and is an important part of the local operatic sensation Prima Voce.

Her desire to learn and grow as an artist was what drove her to sign up for the competitio­n.

“My whole family sings – my late dad was a singer and song writer, my mum sings and so do my sisters,” she said.

“The competitio­n was open to all, so I sent in my requiremen­ts, thanks to a friend of mine who helped me with the recording of the song and the video.

“I always like to challenge myself that’s why I signed up for it.”

For Jedidiah, every opportunit­y is a blessing and being awarded third place, was a motivating achievemen­t so surreal that she had to pinch herself.

“If I can bring a smile on just one person’s face through the sound of my voice and my presentati­on, that is rewarding,” she said.

“It was a long shot because a lot of people had signed up then we came down to 14 and then I came in third place. It was surreal.

“I am content because I gave my all even though I was sick throughout the day of the competitio­n. To me, all competitor­s were not my foes but my friends because our dreams were different, so no one was in another one’s lane.

“As to the judges, there must be a winner, and second place, plus a runner-up to sum up the competitio­n.”

Looking back at her humble achievemen­ts, Jedidiah believes she has come a long way.

“Winning season one of Vocal Battle in 2018, joining the Pasifika Voices in 2019, representi­ng Fiji at the cultural arts exhibit with Mr Igelese Ete and the Pasifika team in China, joining the Prima Voce opera team and being given the privilege to be the cross over artist in 2021 to 2022, winning the K-pop Fiji festival vocal competitio­n in 2022 and recording with a few amazing artist here in Fiji, sum up my greatest achievemen­ts.”

But to develop in the industry, the young woman had to make sacrifices and overcome many challenges.

“Having to leave my job multiple times to pursue my dream career and be ridiculed because of that, was a challenge.

“I also struggled financiall­y too but to be strong and believe when others don’t understand you is what got me through.

“The trainings, the performanc­es and the pressure got to me every time. It (succeeding in music) doesn’t come easy but it’s always rewarding when you give it your best shot.”

She said by the love and the grace of God and her faith in him, she was able to get to where she is now.

“He is my greatest comfort and strength.

Every choice I made might not be right, but instead of judging me, he reminded me that I could be anything I want to be through the promises of his word, so,trusting in him is so real to me.

“My journey featured ups and downs, the curves and stretches but, the faithfulne­ss of God made the challenges look promising and the outcomes rewarding.

“And secondly the amazing people who helped coached me and encouraged me in building up my carrier plus, hard work and perseveran­ce, with the love and support of my family, pulled me through.”

Jedidiah’s message to o t h e r upcoming singers and youths is “you’ll never know or experience it unless you try.”

“Your fear of the future is everybody’s fear. Pursue your dreams and count your blessings, life is for living and not for cowering.

“God designed it that way so you can need him because he promised to never leave you nor forsake you.”

 ?? Picture: SUPPLIED ?? Jedidiah Kalomani Tuinasavus­avu.
Picture: SUPPLIED Jedidiah Kalomani Tuinasavus­avu.
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