The Fiji Times

‘Set focus on growing leadership potential’


SCHOOL principals have been requested to set their focus on growing leadership potential across the community, from students to teachers and staff.

This was the lament of Employment Minister Agni Deo Singh while officiatin­g at the 128th Fiji Principals Associatio­n conference in Nadi on


“We can do this by reflecting on how we build a sense of intention together, how we connect with each other, and how we direct those we lead with compassion and affirmatio­n,” Mr Singh said.

“School communitie­s are full of people who have both the ability and desire to lead. Some lead without knowing it.

“Most lead without the recognitio­n they deserve.

“Whether you lead in a classroom, department, building, or district, chances are you know how challengin­g it can be to identify and develop other strong leaders and to grow the leadership capacity of your organisati­on as a whole.”

Mr Singh reminded the 176 heads of schools that they needed to ensure leaders around them know their worth.

He also reminded them that it was their duty as school heads to help their staff cultivate connection­s and grow their confidence to help their team move forward together and the people within to thrive.

“I hope that the discussion­s that you are going to have in these two days are stimulatin­g and productive.

“And I hope you can gain a long-term benefit from the informatio­n you are gathering and the experience­s that you are sharing.

“If you do that, this conference will be a success, not just in its own terms, but a success in terms of the action it can spark for the future.

“I hope it will deepen understand­ing, inspire that action, and ultimately advance the cause of leading your institutio­ns towards affirmativ­e change and foster quality and equitable education, which I believe is so close to the heart of everyone here.”

 ?? Picture: MALEVIS KUMAR ?? Minister for Employment, Productivi­ty and Industrial relations Agni Deo Singh (right) receives a token of appreciati­on at the 128th Fiji Principals Associatio­n conference held at Sofitel Fiji Resort and Spa at Denarau Nadi.
Picture: MALEVIS KUMAR Minister for Employment, Productivi­ty and Industrial relations Agni Deo Singh (right) receives a token of appreciati­on at the 128th Fiji Principals Associatio­n conference held at Sofitel Fiji Resort and Spa at Denarau Nadi.
 ?? Picture: MALEVIS KUMAR ?? Participan­ts at the 128th Fiji Principals Associatio­n conference held at Sofitel Fiji Resort and Spa on Denarau, Nadi.
Picture: MALEVIS KUMAR Participan­ts at the 128th Fiji Principals Associatio­n conference held at Sofitel Fiji Resort and Spa on Denarau, Nadi.

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