The Fiji Times

‘Laws need to change to suit businesses, people’


BUSINESS stakeholde­rs in the Sugar City have pleaded with the Government to look into the legislatio­n and regulation­s that impede ease of doing business in Fiji.

The plea was made to Finance Minister Professor Biman Prasad at a recent consultati­on in Lautoka where he indicated they had identified bottleneck­s, the processing of applicatio­ns and laws that might need to change to suit the needs of the people and businesses, and those of investors who found interests in Fiji.

“It is a real problem, some of us have been raising this issue from opposition,” Prof Prasad said.

“We have done a lot of work, starting with immigratio­n and the Lands department, we are trying to make sure these bottleneck­s are removed.

“In December, there will be major announceme­nts because we are losing our labour force and local businesses need to bring in labour and there’s no secret, whether we get them from Bangladesh or the Philippine­s. This process has to work.”

The Deputy PM informed business owners there would be changes and a lot of improvemen­ts in the way things would be done.

He said a lot of the Fijian diaspora hope to return home and invest and live here.

Prof Prasad said regulation­s would be amended and changed to suit these needs for the betterment of the economy.

“The immigratio­n law where people have to wait for 15 years to get citizenshi­p, who wants to come and wait in Fiji for 15 years to become a citizen?

“Some investors choose to make Fiji their home and all of that will be changed in good time.”

 ?? Picture: BALJEET SINGH ?? Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Dr Biman Prasad chats with Adi Ateca Vokili (middle) and Divina Loloma (right) after the meeting at Lautoka City Council chambers.
Picture: BALJEET SINGH Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Dr Biman Prasad chats with Adi Ateca Vokili (middle) and Divina Loloma (right) after the meeting at Lautoka City Council chambers.
 ?? Picture: BALJEET SINGH ?? Businessma­n Narayan Reddy (middle) flanked by Lautoka City Council’s manager Health Services Rouhit Karan Singh (left) and Lautoka City Council CEO Mohammed Anees Khan (right) after the meeting at Lautoka City Council chambers.
Picture: BALJEET SINGH Businessma­n Narayan Reddy (middle) flanked by Lautoka City Council’s manager Health Services Rouhit Karan Singh (left) and Lautoka City Council CEO Mohammed Anees Khan (right) after the meeting at Lautoka City Council chambers.
 ?? Picture: BALJEET SINGH ?? Businessma­n Chandar Lok after a meeting with Deputy PM and Minister for Finance Dr Biman Prasad at Lautoka City Council chambers.
Picture: BALJEET SINGH Businessma­n Chandar Lok after a meeting with Deputy PM and Minister for Finance Dr Biman Prasad at Lautoka City Council chambers.

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