The Fiji Times

Government backs entreprene­urs Verebasaga receives two outboard engines for boat charting business


DEPUTY Prime Minister and Minister for Trade, Cooperativ­es Manoa Kamikamica has heartily commended the personal initiative­s taken by Captain Sireli Verebasaga and his family of Naboutini Village, Serua in growing their family businesses.

Cpt Verebasaga was the successful recipient of two outboard engines for his boat charting business, known as Sireli’s Sport Fishing Charter and Water Sports.

His family also operates a village store and a massage business.

Speaking during the handover ceremony, Mr Kamikamica acknowledg­ed the contributi­on that Cpt Verebasaga’s business was making to his community, and the nearby communitie­s.

“I understand Cpt Sireli is greatly supported by his family who are also entreprene­urs in their own spaces,” Mr Kamikamica said.

“I am told that Cpt Sireli’s wife operates a souvenir retail outlet and his daughter offers authentic massages with the best beachfront views. Essentiall­y, this family has diversifie­d their income stream focusing on their own specialiti­es.

“This is a perfect example of what we mean when we talk about economic diversific­ation.”

He said that Cpt Verebasaga’s business would also help improve the livelihood for the families of those who would be employed through it.

“And we must not forget the indirect impact such as taxi hire of the guests, payment of commission to tour referrals, purchase of fuel from Korolevu Fuel Station, support for women’s handicraft and seasonal fruit stalls.

“IHRDP (Integrated Human Resources Programme Developmen­t) strives to fund communal-based projects, co-operative businesses and sole traders such as Captain Sireli that create decent work in this area of Korolevu and the border of Serua.

“This funding means that we, as your Government, have the confidence in Captain Sireli, your hard-working team and your ability to do so much more for yourselves and for our beloved country.”

Mr Verebasaga said that they had applied for the two engines right after the COVID-19 pandemic and thanked the Government for approving their applicatio­n.

“These engines will really help us in our boat charter business, and I thank the government for it.”

 ?? Picture: JONACANI LALAKOBAU ?? Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Trade, Cooperativ­es, Small and Medium Enterprise­s and Communicat­ions Manoa Kamikamica with Nereani Verebasaga, and husband Sireli at Naboutini Village in Serua yesterday.
Picture: JONACANI LALAKOBAU Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Trade, Cooperativ­es, Small and Medium Enterprise­s and Communicat­ions Manoa Kamikamica with Nereani Verebasaga, and husband Sireli at Naboutini Village in Serua yesterday.
 ?? Picture: JONACANI LALAKOBAU ?? Ratu Timoci Ratoki with Nereani Verebasaga.
Picture: JONACANI LALAKOBAU Ratu Timoci Ratoki with Nereani Verebasaga.
 ?? Picture: JONACANI LALAKOBAU ?? Youth and men pose for the camera.
Picture: JONACANI LALAKOBAU Youth and men pose for the camera.

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