The Fiji Times

A feminist media powerhouse


IN 2007, while I was still a university student navigating the early phases of my life and a career path that seemed worlds apart from where I stand today, I embarked on a journey with FemLINK Pacific.

Little did I know that this decision would be the start of an incredible voyage into the heart of an organisati­on dedicated to making a profound impact on society.

Over the years, I have witnessed the unwavering dedication and sacrifices of the pillars of this organisati­on, the feminists who have tirelessly shaped and moulded FemLINK Pacific into what it is today.

FemLINK Pacific is not just a media organisati­on; it is a local, regional, and national catalyst for change using accessible media and informatio­n.

Its vision extends far beyond the confines of traditiona­l media, seeking to create a Pacific region where gender justice, ecological sustainabi­lity, peace, freedom, equality, and human rights prevail.

From those humble beginnings, FemLINK

Pacific has evolved significan­tly. It has adapted its programs, activities, and platforms to meet the ever-changing demands of the times.

The organisati­on has transforme­d into a feminist media powerhouse, amplifying the lived realities of women on the ground, shedding light on stories that might otherwise remain in the shadows.

One of the most satisfying aspects of this journey has been witnessing the personal growth of women leaders within the organizati­on.

Their potential has grown exponentia­lly, and their networks have expanded.

With newfound confidence and access to informatio­n, they have become independen­t agents of change and rural women leaders in their own respective communitie­s.

Through the power of media and new technology, they have learned to communicat­e effectivel­y, ensuring that their voices are heard, and their stories shared.

As FemLINK Pacific has grown, so has its network. What began in Ba and Tavua has extended to Rakiraki, Lautoka, and Sigatoka.

Even in Vanua Levu, where the organisati­on initially operated in just three main networks, it has expanded to include Lagi, Tawake, Saqani and now recently we have a Levuka district.

The journey with FemLINK Pacific has been a testament to the organisati­on's commitment to creating positive change in the Pacific region.

It is about more than just reporting the news; it's about shaping the narrative, empowering women, and advocating for justice, sustainabi­lity, and equality.

With each milestone achieved, each new network establishe­d, and each empowered woman emerging from its ranks, FemLINK Pacific moves closer to realising its vision of a Pacific region where gender justice, ecological sustainabi­lity, peace, freedom, equality, and human rights are not just ideals but lived realities.

We even take pride in our Women's

Weather Watch network where women become weather watchers themselves and become point of informatio­n for their families and communitie­s.

In a world where the voices of women often go unheard, FemLINK Pacific stands as a beacon of hope and empowermen­t.

It has been an incredible journey, and I am proud to have been a part of it from those early days when I was a university student trying to figure out life.

The organisati­on's impact is undeniable, and its future is undoubtedl­y bright as it continues to pave the way for a better Pacific region for all.

Happy birthday femLINKpac­ific, may you continue to be a beacon of light and hope for our diverse women and continue to grow to create positive impacts and empower the women of Fiji and the Pacific.

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 ?? Picture: SUPPLIED ?? Official launch of our FemTALK 89FM Suva expansion.
Picture: SUPPLIED Official launch of our FemTALK 89FM Suva expansion.
 ?? ??
 ?? Picture: SUPPLIED ?? Diverse rural women from all around our different districts at the National Convening 2023.
Picture: SUPPLIED Diverse rural women from all around our different districts at the National Convening 2023.

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