The Fiji Times

40 participan­ts to compete for Pineapple Cup


AS many as 40 participan­ts are expected to compete for the Pineapple Cup that will be held at the Suva Bowling Club starting tomorrow.

This was confirmed by Suva Bowling Club committee member, Litia Tikoisuva, during a news conference yesterday.

“We are expecting more than 40 bowlers to take part in the competitio­n.

“This includes both the men’s and women’s division,” she said.

The tournament will be known as the Kontiki Finance Pineapple Cup.

“Firstly, I would like to thank Kontiki Finance for once more coming on board as major sponsors of the tournament.”

A total of $5000 has been handed over to the Suva Bowling Club for the competitio­n.

Tikoisuva said participan­ts can expect a delay in the tournament should the rainy weather in the capital city continue throughout the weekend.

“The tournament is scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, but if the rainy weather continues, we will have to move it to the following day.”

This will be the 92nd edition of the tournament with the first being back in 1928.

The tournament has been held every year, except in the 1987, 2000, and 2006 coups that struck the country.

The COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 also prohibited the tournament.

“We are excited for the tournament, and we are encouragin­g fans and bowling lovers to come out in numbers to the Suva Bowling Club.”

Kontiki Finance’s new business manager William Madden says the company has always looked forward to supporting bowling, as they have been doing for the past five years.

“Konitki Finance is happy to once again support the tournament, and bowling as a whole,” he said.

“We see the sport as one that is fast growing, and we are wishing Suva Bowling Club all the best in the tournament.”

 ?? Picture: JONA KONATACI/FILE ?? Former winners of the Pineapple Cup Semesa Naiseruvat­i (left) and Litia Tikoisuva, flank club member Phil Lacey at the Suva Bowling Club at an earlier event.
Picture: JONA KONATACI/FILE Former winners of the Pineapple Cup Semesa Naiseruvat­i (left) and Litia Tikoisuva, flank club member Phil Lacey at the Suva Bowling Club at an earlier event.

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