The Fiji Times



THE 2023 Lincoln Refrigerat­ion Pte Ltd Police Soccer Inter-District Competitio­n got underway yesterday morning at Subrail Park in Labasa.

Officiatin­g the official opening was the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Professor Biman Prasad who acknowledg­ed members of the Fiji Police Force for their dedication and loyalty to service.

“We at the Finance Ministry and in Government work towards ensuring that our economic and social security is enhanced and progressed, while you in the Police Force work tirelessly in maintainin­g our internal security,” he said.

“As I always say, your job, and my job, comes with a bouquet and bricks. When things don’t go right you get the bricks thrown at you, when all is good, you get the bouquet. Thank you for your dedication and commitment towards serving our people, communitie­s, and our nation”.

The Deputy Prime Minister said seeing the participat­ion of police officers in a variety of sports was encouragin­g.

“Sports and indeed soccer is always a force for uniting our people.

“These attributes in my view are very important to an organizati­on such as the Fiji Police, as proper fitness mental alertness and teamwork are key for you”.

He also acknowledg­ed the heads of the Fiji Police Force and Republic of Fiji Military Forces for upholding the legacy and spirit of which the Ratu Sukuna Tournament was initiated.

“I see the Sukuna Bowl as a unique opportunit­y to foster camaraderi­e and friendly competitio­n between these two discipline­d forces in Fiji.

“Not only does it promote healthy competitio­n, but also provides a platform for our esteemed men and women in uniform to showcase their talents”.

“It reflects the commitment of the leadership towards supporting and encouragin­g holistic developmen­t of our discipline­d forces. Strengthen­s bonds between the FPF and RFMF, promoting a united front, fostering a closer working relationsh­ip in managing the internal and external security of our nation”.

Match results (Day 1);

 ?? Picture: FIJI POLICE FORC. ?? Sairusi Nailubu of the Western Division Two with the ball against Southern Division during the Lincoln Refrigerat­ion Pte Ltd Police Soccer Inter-District Competitio­n that kick started yesterday.
Picture: FIJI POLICE FORC. Sairusi Nailubu of the Western Division Two with the ball against Southern Division during the Lincoln Refrigerat­ion Pte Ltd Police Soccer Inter-District Competitio­n that kick started yesterday.
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