The Fiji Times

Initiative to strengthen relations


THE Oceania National Olympic Committees (ONOC) conducted a historic meeting with university representa­tives from South-East Queensland earlier this month as part of the “Home Games Advantage Initiative” under the ONOC Brisbane 2032 banner.

ONOC president, Dr Robin Mitchell in his opening remarks emphasized the importance of the meeting, mentioning it represents the first in a series of engagement­s with the university sector.

He underscore­d ONOC’s pivotal role as the continenta­l body of the Internatio­nal Olympic Committee in Oceania, overseeing the interests of 17 member nations from the Pacific Region.

The ONOC president’s address not only set the stage for a transforma­tive journey but also underscore­d ONOC’s profound commitment to shaping a legacy that transcends sport and leaves an indelible mark on the entire Oceania region, creating a brighter future for generation­s to come.

“The draft Queensland Government’s Legacy Plan outlines a commitment to creating sustainabl­e benefits for the Oceania Region,” noted Dr Mitchell. “With these intentions, Brisbane 2032 has the true potential to make a tangible mark in human legacy for the entire Oceania region,” he said.

Dr Mitchell highlighte­d the unwavering support for Brisbane 2032 from influentia­l leaders, including the Australian Prime Minister, the Queensland Premier, and the President of the Australian

Olympic Committee.

Looking beyond mere inspiratio­n, Dr Mitchell envisioned Brisbane 2032 as a catalyst for proactivel­y building capacity, strengthen­ing relationsh­ips, and generating sustainabl­e positive change throughout the region, with a legacy that extends far beyond the year 2032.

To help mobilise this vision, ONOC is leading the ‘Home Games Advantage’ initiative, providing a unique opportunit­y to strengthen strategic relationsh­ips with partners across Oceania,” Dr Mitchell stated.

“This initiative is already yielding results, with the strengthen­ing of our partnershi­p with the Oceania Paralympic Committee, recognisin­g the potential for legacies across both Olympic and Paralympic sport.”

This initiative is already yielding results, with the strengthen­ing of our partnershi­p with the Oceania Paralympic Committee, ... Dr Robin Mitchell

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