The Fiji Times

Fijiana beats Black Ferns


FIJI Airways Fijiana 7s side bounced back from their round one loss to France as they defeated New Zealand 33-12 in their round two clash during the Fiji Airways Mini Internatio­nal Women’s 7s tournament at Churchill Park in Lautoka yesterday.

The Saiasi Fuli-coached side were raring to go from the first whistle. The Fijians displayed a brilliant freeflowin­g attacking game as they scored three tries in the first spell.

Tries from Aloesi Nakoci, Vasiti Solikoviti and Reapi Ulunisau put them ahead as they led 19-0.

New Zealand were rattled and forced to commit to a number of infringeme­nts in their own half, however, they managed to put points on the board as Mahina Paul’s try reduced the score to 5-19 going into the break.

The Black Ferns 7s seemed to have found their rhythm as they staged a comeback as Paul got her double after she dashed towards the try line, leaving the Fijiana defence behind as they trailed by 12-19.

Lavenia Tinai’s converted try under the sticks further extended Fijiana’s lead to 26-12.

The Fijiana went on to score one more try to seal the victory.

The side’s assistant coach Timoci Volavola said in the game against France, the girls played catch up rugby and were not mentally prepared for the task.

“We played very well against New Zealand right from the first whistle and executed the moves which was in our game plan and the result says it all,” said Volavola.

Round 1 results

Australia Gold 14-25 New Zealand, Australia Green 17-5 USA, Fiji Airways Fijiana 7s 2124 France. Round 2 results Aussie Gold 7-36 USA, Fiji Airways Fijiana 7s 33-12 New Zealand, France 28-14 Aussie Green.

 ?? Picture: BALJEET SINGH ?? Fijiana player Viniana Riwai off-loads the ball against the Black Ferns during the Mini 7s tournament at Churchill Park in Lautoka yesterday.
Picture: BALJEET SINGH Fijiana player Viniana Riwai off-loads the ball against the Black Ferns during the Mini 7s tournament at Churchill Park in Lautoka yesterday.
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