The Fiji Times

Online shopping is easy, fast and convenient

- *Step two — add your items to the cart *Step three- check out *Step four- pickup

GROCERY shopping just got easier at CJS Supermarke­t with the supermarke­t now offering online shopping which has been active for the past two years.

Shop for your favourite items from the comfort of anywhere.

It's easy, fast, and convenient.

All you have to do is simply log in, shop for your items, select a pick up time, and arrive at the store for pickup!

CJS Supermarke­t manager Hemita said they always planned to provide online shopping, but the COVID-19 pandemic was the push they needed to get the ball rolling.

"With the online shopping someone here will be assigned to pick out the groceries that you've ordered online, so that eliminates you having to come in and touch things other people have touched, being you know close to other people," she said.

At CJS Supermarke­t he said customers could opt for extra customer convenienc­e in the form of online shopping through Mpaisa and MyCash adding shopping online is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to customer perks these days.

The supermarke­t offers an easy, convenient shopping experience via their brandnew website www.cjssuperma­ and through Vodafone Viti kart

Below are steps you could take when you shop online: *Step one — order

Visit online shop website www. cjssuperma­;

Search for the products that you want to buy.

Once you have added all the products that you want to buy, add your items to the cart

Click on the basket to checkout.

Fill in your details and choose the payment method.

Click place order and send them the payment via the chosen payment method.

Local customers can pay through:

1. Direct transfer money into their BSP account;

2. Vodafone Mpaisa;

3. Digicel - MyCash; and overseas customers can pay through visa/master card.

Remember the supermarke­t will only pack your order once they've received your payment.

Once you place your order, the team will contact you via the phone contact that you provided.

You can pick up your items from CJS Supermarke­t located at 549 Ratu Mara Rd,

Nabua (Digicel House) or CJS Supermarke­t in Labasa. CJS Supermarke­t is not only convenient and spacious but has everything you can imagine a supermarke­t could carry.

Shoppers have a variety of options to consider as they craft their weekly/monthly grocery lists.

And that's not all the supermarke­t offers a wide variety of food, beverages and household products, which makes shopping simple and convenient.

Join CJS Supermarke­t Viber Community and stay up to date with their great super deals on prices and their wonderful services.

CJS is committed to always bringing you the latest specials and prices – to ensure you never miss the best grocery offers.

Start shopping now!

 ?? Pictures: SUPPLIED ?? CJS Nabua Supermarke­t. Inset: Online shopping steps.
Pictures: SUPPLIED CJS Nabua Supermarke­t. Inset: Online shopping steps.
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