The Fiji Times

Court rules minister exercised powers lawfully


THE “no jab, no job” policy of government and the mandatory vaccinatio­n of all Fijians during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021 “engaged or limited” Fijian Teachers Associatio­n members’ right to freedom from medical treatment or procedures and right to equality and freedom from discrimina­tion, the High Court has stated.

However, the High Court has ruled the Minister for

Employment, Productivi­ty and Industrial Relations had exercised his powers lawfully under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1996 to enact the 2021 Regulation­s.

The Fijian Teachers Associatio­n has taken the State to court, challengin­g the legality of the “no jab no job” policy.

“The 2021 Regulation­s were designed to prevent and contain any spread of the COVID-19 virus in the workplace. Clearly the health and safety of workers is central to the enactment of the 2021 Regulation­s,” said Justice David Tuiqereqer­e in his July 15 ruling.

“The 2021 Regulation­s were enacted to ensure a safe working environmen­t free from the risk of catching or spreading the COVID-19 virus.

“The COVID-19 pandemic, and the availabili­ty of the vaccinatio­n from early 2021, justiƝed the imposition of the 2021 regulation­s.”

Justice Tuiqereqer­e said he was satisƝed that the 2021

Regulation­s were proportion­ate and justiƝed.

He said the State argued that the issue in this case was mooted in light of the fact that the 2021 Regulation­s were repealed in March 2023.

“I do not accept that the repeal made the issues in this case redundant.

“As stated, a large number of workers lost their employment as a consequenc­e of the 2021 Regulation­s. The 2023 repeal did not undo those consequenc­es for the FTA or its members.”

 ?? Picture: FILE ?? Priyanka Kumar prepares a vaccine during the commenceme­nt of the COVID-19 frontliner­s vaccinatio­n campaign.
Picture: FILE Priyanka Kumar prepares a vaccine during the commenceme­nt of the COVID-19 frontliner­s vaccinatio­n campaign.

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