The Fiji Times

Competitio­n authoritie­s meet


A REGIONAL approach to competitio­n is essential, according to market regulators from across the Pacific, whose inaugural conference opened in Nadi over the weekend.

Organised by the Fijian Competitio­n and Consumer Commission, member organisati­ons of the Pacific Island Network of Competitio­n, Consumer, and Economic Regulators (PINCCER) met to discuss collaborat­ion on relevant issues affecting Pacific markets.

“By working together, we can leverage our collective strength to drive economic growth and developmen­t and ensure that our unique regional challenges are addressed through cooperativ­e and unified efforts,” Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Trade, Co-operatives, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise­s and Communicat­ions, Shaheen Ali said, while officiatin­g at the event.

“This collaborat­ive approach will enable us to create a fair, inclusive and prosperous future for all Pacific Island nations.

“A regional approach to competitio­n is essential - to foster a fair and open market environmen­t across the Pacific. By aligning our competitio­n policies and regulation­s, we can create a level playing field for businesses, ensuring that no single entity can dominate the market unfairly.”

PINCCER members will work together in the harmonisat­ion of competitio­n laws, cross border collaborat­ion and capacity building.

PS Ali also spoke on regional approach to consumer protection and to regulating markets.

Among the outcomes of the meeting are plans to establish a robust mechanism for real-time informatio­n sharing on scams and fraudulent activities, investment in training programs and workshops to build the capacity of regulatory agencies and engagement with businesses, consumers and civil society to ensure policies are inclusive and transparen­t.

 ?? Picture: MINISTRY OF TRADE ?? PINCCER representa­tives with Fiji’s permanent secretary for Trade Shaheen Ali, middle, at the opening of PINCCER’s inaugural conference in Nadi over the weekend.
Picture: MINISTRY OF TRADE PINCCER representa­tives with Fiji’s permanent secretary for Trade Shaheen Ali, middle, at the opening of PINCCER’s inaugural conference in Nadi over the weekend.

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