The Fiji Times

Importance of owning a home


ONE of the most fundamenta­l components of a good quality of life is for a person to have their own home, says independen­t Opposition MP Jone Usamate.

While contributi­ng to the debate in Parliament last week on the renewal of the Government guarantee of $150 million for the Housing Authority’s borrowings for another Ɲve-year period for July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2029, Mr Usamate said having a home that’s safe would contribute to one’s mental health.

“There are a lot of other things when you talk about the quality of life,” Mr Usamate said.

“You can talk about things like wealth and employment, things like physical and mental health and I think a home on its own, having your own home that is safe also contribute­s to your mental health.

“And when someone has that sort of a feeling, the effect on productivi­ty in this country can explode, it can be a catalyst.

“Having your own home, feeling safe and secure and feeling comfortabl­e.

“You know all the pressure that may impact you psychologi­cally have been eliminated; it gives you that safe space.”

He said housing not only contribute­d to one’s quality of life but also to growth and productivi­ty.

“I was listening to the comments by the former minister of housing, she was talking about the fact that now with the current management that we have in Housing Authority and listening to the Ɲgures by the honourable Deputy Prime Minister, it looks like they are hitting their Ɲnancial targets well.

“It is very important that as you are hitting your Ɲnancial targets to balance because there will always be a balance between these two things; hitting your Ɲnancial targets and making sure you remain true to the vision of the entity.

“The vision of the entity is to assist those that have low income and middle income.

“There is this important element of the balance between making sure you hit your Ɲnancial targets and be effective.

“Effectiven­ess means providing the value for those for whom Housing Authority was designed; those at a lower and middle income.”

Mr Usamate wholeheart­edly gave his support for the Bill.

 ?? Picture: FILE ?? Independen­t Opposition MP Jone Usamate.
Picture: FILE Independen­t Opposition MP Jone Usamate.

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