The Fiji Times

Tewa mindful of tough task ahead


FIJI’S 100-metre sprinter and former Nakasi High School student Waisake Tewa understand­s the daunting task that lies ahead for him at the 2024 Olympic Games.

The 20-year-old from Lekanai Village in Gau is aware of the high level of competitio­n he will be up against, competing alongside some of the world’s top and most experience­d athletes.

Tewa emphasises his commitment to performing to the best of his abilities, recognisin­g the honour and responsibi­lity of representi­ng his family and country on such a prestigiou­s internatio­nal stage. Despite not envisionin­g himself in this position in the past, he expresses gratitude for the opportunit­y that has come his way.

“I continue to remind myself that I am here to do a job, and I will do it to the best of my abilities. I never dreamt to be here, but I am, and I am grateful for the opportunit­y to represent my family and my country,” said Tewa.

While rugby was initially Tewa’s passion, a twist of fate led him to transition into sprinting just before the PaciƝc Games last year.

Encouraged by his coaches to focus on sprint events, Tewa’s dedication and hard work paid off as he secured a spot in the 100 metres Ɲnal at the 2023 PaciƝc Games in the Solomon Islands, Ɲnishing in fourth place.

His continued perseveran­ce in training enabled him to qualify for the Olympic Games, where he faces the daunting task of competing in the 100m event in Paris.

“I’m excited but nervous about the Olympics. I know the competitio­n will be Ɲerce, but I’m ready to give it my all.”

Despite being in the bustling atmosphere of the Games Village, Tewa admits feeling a sense of disbelief at the reality of running at the Olympics.

Tewa will be running in the preliminar­y 100m event on August 3, at 10.35am.

 ?? Picture: TEAM FIJI ?? Waisake Tewa during a training session in France.
Picture: TEAM FIJI Waisake Tewa during a training session in France.

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