The Fiji Times

Round two of the West Boxing Extravagan­za


THE Fiji National Sports Commission (FNSC), in collaborat­ion with the Fiji Amateur Boxing Associatio­n, is organising the second round of the West Boxing Extravagan­za this Friday and Saturday at the Ba Market Bure.

FNSC assistant sports developmen­t officer Western Timoci Bakanivesi expressed his enthusiasm for the future of boxing in the region.

“As part of our efforts to support and grow the sport in the West, we have partnered with the Fiji Amateur Boxing Associatio­n to stage a series of events aimed at showcasing local talent and providing opportunit­ies for aspiring boxers to hone their skills and compete at a high level.

“One of the key initiative­s we have undertaken is the staging of the First West Boxing Extravagan­za in April, 2023. This event saw seven West clubs participat­e, with a total of 135 boxers taking part.

“The competitio­n was Ɲerce, with boxers showcasing their skills and determinat­ion in the ring. The event was a great success, drawing a large crowd of spectators and generating excitement and interest in the sport of boxing in the West.”

This week’s event will feature ten amateur boxing clubs from the West, including notable entries from Kwaca na Vatu Boxing Club from Namosi and Army Boxing Club from Suva, underscori­ng the event’s growing signiƝcanc­e beyond the Western region.

The competitio­n will feature boxers across four categories for both male and female participan­ts.

“We have school category (below 15 years), the junior category(1516years), youth category(1718years) and elite category(1940years),” Bakanivesi said.

Each boxer will face opponents in their respective weight categories, promising thrilling matches that cater to a range of age groups and skill levels.

Bakanivesi highlighte­d the event’s dual focus on sports and social responsibi­lity.

“We are also promoting Drug Free Sports and HIV/AIDS on our banner as well.”

Following the success of the Ɲrst West Boxing Extravagan­za in April last year, FNSC decided to further support the growth of boxing in the West by conducting a train the trainer program for coaches and referees in early January this year.

“This program focused on providing coaches and referees with the knowledge and skills they need to effectivel­y train and officiate in boxing matches. By investing in the developmen­t of coaches and referees, we are ensuring that the sport of boxing in the West can grow and thrive in a safe and supportive environmen­t,” Bakanivesi said.

“Our partnershi­p with the Fiji Amateur Boxing Associatio­n has been instrument­al in our efforts to promote and develop boxing in the West. By working closely with the associatio­n, we are able to tap into their expertise and resources to stage successful events and provide opportunit­ies for boxers to compete at a high level. Together, we are committed to growing the sport of boxing in Fiji and providing opportunit­ies for boxers of all levels to showcase their talents and achieve their full potential.”

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