The Fiji Times

Human rights defenders


FIJI has been asked to ensure that human rights defenders (HRD’s) are able to freely carry out their activities without fear of reprisals or undue hindrance, obstructio­n, or harassment of themselves or their families.

This is stated in the submission by CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participat­ion, PaciƝc Islands Associatio­n of NonGovernm­ent Organisati­ons (PIANGO), Fiji Council of Social Services (FCOSS) and Amnesty Internatio­nal to the United Nations ahead of Fiji’s examinatio­n in January 2025 under the Universal Periodic Review.

“Undertake a consolidat­ed process of repeal or amendment of legislatio­n such as the sedition provisions of the Crimes Act and the Public Order (Amendment) Act that unwarrante­dly restrict the legitimate work of HRDs, in line with the UN Declaratio­n on Human Rights Defenders,’ states the submission.

“Publicly condemn at the highest levels and put an end to all acts of harassment and intimidati­on of HRDs, activists and CSOs, including police and judicial harassment.

“Systematic­ally implement legal provisions that promote and protect human rights and establish mechanisms that protect HRDs, including by working with CSOs to adopt a speciƝc law on the protection of HRDs.”

The CSO’s state government should provide civil society members, HRDs and journalist­s with a safe, enabling and secure environmen­t in which to carry out their work.

“Conduct impartial, independen­t, thorough, transparen­t and effective investigat­ions into all cases of harassment and intimidati­on against them and bring suspected perpetrato­rs of such offences to justice in fair trials.”

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