The Fiji Times

Test rugby annihilati­on!


THE Flying Fijians 15s team with only Ɲve Drua players in the starting 15, was a recipe for annihilati­on against a rampant All Blacks in San Diego.

Haven’t we ever learned anything? If we haven’t, then we should never ask to play the All Blacks, unless we beg to be hammered with disproport­ionate score lines!

Coming off Super Rugby and making the quarterƝna­ls, the Fijian Drua, like the All Blacks team were at peak Ɲtness levels.

This Ɲtness level was a basic necessity to even think of challengin­g the All Blacks. Anything less, then do not bother to challenge the All Blacks.

The Fiji team needed at least 11 to 12 or even 15

Drua players in the starting 15, with a specialist tight head prop, Radradra at second-Ɲve and Dakuwaqa on the wing, if you wanted to put in any European based players.

At every All Black set piece, Liennert-Brown was busting up Tabuavou and the All Blacks were on the front foot all throughout the game.

Fiji never had a chance. Radraradra is not a winger, period. His speciality is in the centres, second-Ɲve or centre.

The Europe-based Fiji players were never in the game. Vocevoce, Miramira or Derenalagi would have made tremendous difference in the forwards.

We reap what we sow, and putting on a team with two-thirds of them at 80 per cent Ɲtness level of Super Rugby players was to be blunt, committing suicide!

Ardie Savea, the only 80 per cent Ɲt All Black recognises this and has signed-up with Moana PasiƝka for the 2025 Super Rugby season.

We just saw how the English had blooded in young players at Super Rugby Ɲtness levels and nearly came away with wins and respectabl­e score lines!

Coach Byrne, please have faith in the Drua players. Their Ɲtness levels should never be wasted on the sidelines.

Any Flying Fijian Ɲrst 15 should be Drua players Ɲrst with the only exceptions being Radradra at second-Ɲve, Nayacalevu at centre and Dakuwaqa on the wing.

All other players to be sent in as injury replacemen­ts or at the 50 to 60 minute mark.

EPELI RABUA Tamavua, Suva

 ?? Picture: BALJEET SINGH ?? The All Blacks team after the presentati­on at Snapdragon Stadium San Diego, USA.
Picture: BALJEET SINGH The All Blacks team after the presentati­on at Snapdragon Stadium San Diego, USA.

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