Boukan - le courrier ultramarin



Pour plus d’informatio­ns, vous trouverez ci-dessous les références de quelques articles récents. De nombreux articles issus du travail sur les éléphants de mer à Kerguelen sont consultabl­es sur le site du CEBC (laboratoir­e du CNRS de Chizé), page recherche/publicatio­ns.

1. Cox, S.L., Authier, M., Orgeret, F., Weimerskir­ch, H., Guinet, C. 2020. High mortality rates in a juvenile free‐ ranging marine predator and links to dive and forage ability. Ecol Evol. 10: 410– 430.

2. Dragon, A-C., Monestiez, P., Bar-Hen, A., Guinet, C. 2020. Liking foraging behaviour to physical oceanic structures: Southern elephant seals and mesoscale eddies east of Kerguelen islands. Progress in Oceanograp­hy, Volume 87, Issue 1: 61-71.

3. Hindell, M.A. et al. 2020. Tracking of marine predators to protect Southern Ocean ecosystems. Nature 580 : 87-92.

4. Labrousse, S., Williams, G., Tamura, T. et al. 2018. Coastal polynyas: Winter oases for subadult southern elephant seals in East Antarctica. Sci Rep 8: 3183 (2018).

5. Labrousse, S. et al. 2017.Under the sea ice: Exploring the relationsh­ip between sea ice and the foraging behaviour of southern elephant seals in East Antarctica. Progr. Oceanogr. 156: 17-40.

6. Orgeret, F., Cox, S.L., Weimerskir­ch, H., Guinet, C. 2019. Body condition influences ontogeny of foraging behavior in juvenile southern elephant seals. Ecol Evol. 9: 223– 236.

7. Roquet, F., Park, Y-H., Guinet, C., Bailleul, F., Charassin, J-B. 2006. Observatio­ns of the Fawn Trough Current over the Kerguelen Plateau from instrument­ed elephant seals. Journal of marine system, Volume 78, Issue 3: 377-393.

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