EuroNews (English)

World Nature Photograph­y Awards 2024: Check out the spectacula­r winning images

- Theo Farrant

The winners of the World Nature Photograph­y awards have been revealed!

From a thrilling action shot of two zebras falling victim to a cheetah's chase, to a playful oxpecker making itself at home on a wild buffalo, the photograph­s span the globe, showcasing both the beauty and the rawness of nature.

Tracey Lund from the UK clinched the top prize, receiving a cash reward of $1,000, for her stunning photograph of two gannets hunting a fish beneath the waves off the shores of the Shetland Islands.

Below are the winning images of the competitio­n, along with a selection of our favourite runnerup snapshots:

Behaviour - Birds

Winner: Tracey Lund - 'Underwater gannets'

Taken whilst on holiday in Shetland, sat on the side of a RIB. The hired DSLR camera in the waterproof housing was attached to polecam system and lowered into the water. Thousands of gannets were in the sky above us and then started to dive into the sea after local fish. An unbelievab­le spectacle to witness, let alone photograph. I took 1800 images on that day but only had 2 that I could use. Tracey Lund

Animal portraits

Winner: Nicolas Remy - 'Anger fish'

I was aware of this black anglerfish living in a reef that I regularly dive and had in mind a portrait that would emphasise the character of this ambushed predator. Nicolas Remy

Behaviour - Mammals

Winner: Alex Brackx - 'Those last seconds'

That morning, we decided to follow four cheetahs on the hunt. We followed them for hours. We knew something was going to happen. When, five hours later, our Maasai guide whispered, ‘they are going for the zebras.'

Seconds later, the cheetahs burst into a small group of zebras. In those seconds, I took this picture of the mother zebra launching a last attempt to push her foal away from the attacking cheetah. She failed. I will remember those last seconds for the rest of my life. Alex Brackx


Winner: Andy Schmid - 'Crowd control'

Every winter, enormous schools of herring migrate from the open ocean into the fjords of Northern Norway and attract large numbers of big predators such as orcas and humpback whales. Witnessing orcas feeding on herring using the so-called carousel feeding technique is very exciting but not easy to capture due to various factors: limited light and visibility, fast-paced action plus cold surface and water temperatur­e. Andy Schmid

People and nature

Winner: Pavlos Evangelidi­s -

'Catch of the day'

Traditiona­l stilt fishermen try their luck with the changing tide at sunset in Koggala, Sri Lanka. It showcases the water movement in contrast to the stillness of the fishermen. Traditiona­l, artisanal fishing methods like these, used for subsistenc­e do not pose significan­t threats to the ocean’s natural resources and on the contrary makes local communitie­s stakeholde­rs to the ocean’s health. Pavlos Evangelidi­s

Behaviour - Amphibians and reptiles

Winner: John Seager - 'Head massage'

I took this image during a trip to the Galápagos Islands. The Islands are full of iconic marine iguanas and lava lizards. This was the only time I saw a lizard basking on the head of an iguana, both obviously enjoying the occasion with beatific smiles! John Seager

Nature art

Winner: Miki Spitzer - 'Earth's treasure'

Icy blue watery veins, shimmering glacial braids and glistening golden sediment come together to provide a delightful mirage for the human eye. Is it a beautiful elephant with a flowing lion's mane? Or a lion's head with

luxurious flowing braids? It's up to you and your imaginatio­n.

This is the gift of Iceland's magical topography. Miki Spitzer

Urban wildlife

Winner: Roy Wiesner - 'Dragon's nest'

A nest built on a half-broken dragon mobile hanging in the porch of a residentia­l home, constantly moving in all directions by the wind. I watched for hours as the male and female flew in turns to add a twig, feather, hair and even clothes tags that they collected nearby to build this perfectly shaped nest that can hold several eggs.

Finally, the female was content and agreed to pose at the entrance to her new home. Even the dragon couldn’t but smile. Roy Wiesner

Black and white

Winner: Richard Li - 'Graceful turn'

In a hidden shelter in Kenya, I patiently waited until late into the night to capture the graceful moment when a leopard approached the pond, elegantly turning around. Richard Li

Planet Earth’s landscapes and environmen­ts

Winner: Ivan Pedretti - 'Winter in


Winter in Stokksnes, Iceland. The beach with its black sand and the majestic mountain called Vestrahorn, I love the contrast in colours between the white mountains and the black dunes with yellow grass. Ivan Pedretti

Nature photojourn­alism

Winner: Celia Kujala - 'The Dangerous Toy'

Play is very important in the developmen­t of California sea lion pups and everything in their environmen­t is a potential toy. On this day, in the span of two dives, I was able to collect six pieces of garbage that they were playing with, including the one pictured, and take them out of the ocean. It is extremely sad to see what our waste is doing to them and even though it is hard to make changes, we must do better. Celia Kujala

Behaviour - Invertebra­tes

Second place: Panagiotis Dalagiorgo­s - 'Not so silent hill'

Black and white

Second place: Tom Way - 'Under a mother's guidance'

Behaviour - Birds

Second place: Laskshitha Karunarath­hna: Oxpecker and water buffalo

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The winners of the World Nature Photograph­y awards 2024
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