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Is weed still legal in Thailand? Here’s what tourists need to know as government u-turns

- Angela Symons

Less than two years after Thailand opened the floodgates by legalising cannabis, the country’s new conservati­ve coalition government is seeking to slam them shut.

Neon weed signs have become ubiquitous in Bangkok’s busy tourist area, with dispensari­es cropping up on every corner. Hundreds of food and drink vendors advertise cannabisin­fused menus.

But this could all change under new proposals to strictly regulate marijuana use and restrict it for medicinal purposes.

Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin renewed calls to reclassify cannabis as a narcotic on Wednesday 8 May, saying in a post on X - formerly Twitter - "I would like to ask the Ministry of Public Health to... hasten to issue regulation­s allowing its use for medical and health purposes only." He also ordered local authoritie­s to suppress criminal activities linked to the illegal drug trade and demanded to see progress within 90 days.

Why are Thailand’s cannabis rules changing so soon?

Following the general election in May last year, Thailand came under new leadership in September.

The conservati­ve coalition government headed by the Pheu Thai Party is behind the calls for a crackdown on cannabis, which has been poorly regulated since its legalisati­on.

Pheu Thai campaigned on banning the recreation­al use of marijuana, saying it poses health risks and could cause substance abuse issues among young people.

In his latest post on X, Thavisin reiterated this stance, saying "Drugs are a problem that destroys the future of the nation."

Anutin Charnvirak­ul, the former Health Minister who oversaw the drug’s legalisati­on in the previous military-run government, has now risen the ranks to Deputy Prime Minister. He is the leader of the Bhumjaitha­i Party, part of the new government coalition.

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When backing the legalisati­on of marijuana in 2022, he said it would ease overcrowdi­ng in Thailand’s prisons and help boost the rural economy.

On the day of legalisati­on, more than 3,000 inmates held on cannabis charges were released. Within the year, the country’s weed industry was worth 28 billion Thai baht (€728 million) and by 2030 it was projected to reach 336 billion baht (€8.7 billion).

Anutin had promised that cannabis would be allowed only for medical use, but in practise the market was nearly unregulate­d.

The Health Ministry issued regulation­s that made cannabis a 'controlled herb' that requires a license for planting or selling, as well as banning online sales, sales to pregnant women and people under 20, and public smoking. But cannabis can be purchased easily by practicall­y anyone at many unlicensed establishm­ents or online.

Since cannabis was legalised, over 1.1 million Thai people have registered for licences to grow it and more than 6,000 weed dispensari­es have popped up across the country, many with little quality control.

Thai media was quickly filled with reports of drug-fuelled violence and abuse, including among young people, who were not supposed to have access to the drug.

The Health Ministry reported a spike in people seeking treatment cannabis-related psychologi­cal issues, from more than 37,000 patients in 2022 to more than 63,000 in 2023. Other studies pointed to more young people using the drug.

With Thailand being the first country in Asia to legalise cannabis, it has also sparked a thriving weed tourism industry that many fear will be difficult to put a lid on.

In the 2023 election campaign, all major parties - including Bhumjaitha­i - promised to limit cannabis to medical use.

What is the punishment for cannabis use in Thailand?

Before weed was legalised in Thailand in June 2022, the country had some of the world’s harshest drug laws.

Possession of cannabis could land you in prison for up to 15 years, with the infamous Bang Kwang Central Prison - ironically nicknamed the Bangkok Hilton after an Australian TV series depicted its squalid, overcrowde­d conditions - acting as a major deterrent for tourists.

In March, Thailand's Health Minister Chonlanan Srikaew said he had recommende­d a draft bill to the Cabinet banning the recreation­al use of marijuana and reclassify­ing it as a controlled substance. It is expected to be approved soon, after which it will be submitted to Thailand’s House of Representa­tives.

The draft law, which was circulated for public comment in January, would impose fines of up to 60,000 Thai baht (€1,560) for recreation­al use (defined as 'entertainm­ent or pleasure'), and prison sentences of up to a year. It would allow medical marijuana, but didn't give details of how it would be controlled.

It also proposes fines of up to 100,000 baht (€2,600) for advertisin­g or marketing cannabis for recreation­al use.

Farming without a licence could carry a one to three year prison sentence or fines from 20,000 to 300,000 baht (€520 to €7,780).

The rules for cannabis shops and home growing are not yet clear.

Can tourists still smoke weed in Thailand?

While Thailand waits on the outcome of the changes, weed shops are still open across Bangkok and beyond.

However, some rules are already in place to restrict the use of cannabis. Smoking or vaping in public places is not allowed. Causing a ‘public nuisance’ including through the smell of weed - can lead to a 25,000 baht (€650) fine.

The details of what constitute­s a ‘nuisance’ are murky and liable to exploitati­on by police. In Bangkok, officers have been known to blackmail and extort tourists caught on the wrong side of the law.

Extracts containing more than 0.2 per cent THC are still legally classed as narcotics but some shops sell stronger products regardless, which could land purchasers in trouble - unless they have obtained official permission for medical purposes.

Tourists have also been warned that cannabis is still illegal in neighbouri­ng countries and must not be transporte­d across borders. Singapore, which has some of the world’s strictest drug policies, can arrest citizens for using drugs outside of the country as if they were consumed at home.

 ?? ?? Tourists pass by a newly-legal cannabis shop, 10 August 2022, in Bangkok, Thailand.
Tourists pass by a newly-legal cannabis shop, 10 August 2022, in Bangkok, Thailand.

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