L'Éveil de Pont-Audemer

Speak english : Strawberry and Almond Tart

- ■ Contact : Nicky Dussartre, 06 20 96 10 43.

Professeur­e d’anglais près de Pont-Audemer, Nicky Dussartre propose une rubrique publiée chaque semaine dans l’Éveil de Pont-Audemer.

Hello everybody in and around Pont-Audemer, soon it will be the strawberry season. Nowadays you can get strawberri­es at almost any time of the year in the shops, but they don’t always have very much flavour. If they don’t have much flavour, the best thing to do is to cook them. This week I’ve got a recipe for a strawberry and almond cake. I made it in a shallow tart dish, but you could also make it in a cake tin, you’ll just need to cook it a bit longer. This tart can be made for a dessert - it’s delicious served warm with crème fraîche or vanilla ice cream. Or you can make it for an afternoon tea cake, served cold with your favourite cuppa !

Strawberry and Almond tart

You will need :

90g butter (not too cold, or it will be difficult to mix with the sugar)

200g sugar

100g ground almonds

2 eggs

180g flour mixed with 2 tsp baking powder

100ml milk

300g strawberri­es - ‘hulled’

1. Preheat the oven to 180°C and grease a 28cm tart dish or a cake tin with some butter.

2. Cream together the butter and sugar

3. Add the ground almonds and the 2 eggs and mix well until you have a smooth batter.

4. Fold in the flour and baking powder.

5. Add the milk, stir well.

6. Tip the mixture into your greased dish and spread it evenly

7. Slice the hulled strawberri­es over the mixture and sprinkle with sugar

8. Bake in the oven for 40mins for a tart or 50mins for a cake.

Useful Vocabulary

season-saison, nowadaysac­tuellement/aujourd’hui, almost-presque, ‘any time’-’à tout moment’, flavour-saveur, shallow-peu profond, dishplat, tin-moule, longer-plus long, served-servi, warm-tiède, ice cream-glace, ‘cuppa’-argot britanniqu­e pour un tasse de thé, need-besoin, ‘not too cold’-pas trop froid, ground almonds-amandes en poudre, tsp-cc baking powder-levure chimique, hulled-décortiqué, to grease-beurrer, cream togethercr­èmer ensemble, smooth-lisse, batter-pâte, fold-incorporer, stirremuer/mélanger, tip-verser, spread-étaler, evenly-uniforméme­nt, slice-coupe-en tranches.

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 ?? ?? Nicky Dussartre, professeur­e d’anglais.
Nicky Dussartre, professeur­e d’anglais.

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