Technikart - Technikart - SuperCannes



• 1 1/2 kgs / 3 pounds chicken wings • 2 tablespoon­s Wasabi powder

• 3 tablespoon­s Sriracha sauce

• 2 teaspoons cayenne pepper

• 1 tablespoon salt Sauce

• 5 tablespoon­s soy sauce

• 4 tablespoon­s brown sugar

• 2 cloves garlic, minced

• 1 tablespoon­s minced ginger root • 5 tablespoon­s red wine vinegar

• 5 tablespoon­s sherry or vermouth or white wine

• 4 tablespoon­s sesame seeds Hello, Cannes! Good to be with Technikart Supercanne­s for the 71st Cannes Film Festival. I never get to see films here since I’m stuck in a hot kitchen, but since I’m cooking on Techniboat in a very primo spot, at least I get to go to some groovy parties. This year is different because I have my partner-in-recipes accomplice, Balthus, with me. We will be serialized in The New Adventures of Chef & Chat in Grand Seigneur magazine, a graphic story with recipes, starting soon, and who knows, perhaps some day we’ll be here in an animated feature.

First off, I know Balthus looks like a bad-ass big black talking cat, but in fact he is a Breton Celtic Púca, a contrary spirit who decided to manifest itself as a bad-ass cat. Like the invisible rabbit Púca in James Stewart’s film Harvey, but with more attitude. Harvey is a family member, Balthus says, but he won’t reveal anything else. He’s pretty helpful in the kitchen, and he asked me to share his Auntie’s chicken wing recipe today. Evidently, she manifests herself as a talking wok. An unusual choice for a Púca to assume the form of a kitchen tool, but not unheard of.

Snip the tips off the ends of the wings, then cut the wings into two sections. Toss with the Wasabi, Sriracha sauce, cayenne pepper and salt. Refrigerat­e in covered container overnight.

Line a baking pan with aluminum foil and arrange the wings in a single layer. Roast at 190 C / 380 F until golden and tender, turning once during baking, about 40 - 50 minutes. Pour off the fat that has rendered during roasting.

During cooking, make the sauce: In a wok or a large frying pan, mix all the ingredient­s and cook, stirring, until the sauce thickens slightly. Toss the cooked chicken wings in the sauce to coat, then return them to the baking pan to roast again until they are nicely caramelize­d, about 10 - 15 minutes. Shake the pan occasional­ly and turn them to keep them from sticking to the alumnum. Serve hot, sprinkled with chopped coriander if you like.

Serves 4 - 6 humans, or 1 Púca.

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