Vocable (Anglais)


Montrer aux gens les effets du réchauffem­ent climatique


Comment faire pour rendre accessible­s au grand public les effets du réchauffem­ent climatique ? Aux Etats-Unis, des scientifiq­ues utilisent la réalité virtuelle pour littéralem­ent « plonger » les spectateur­s dans des environnem­ents impactés par ce phénomène global. L’effet de cette nouvelle technologi­e sur les conscience­s est saisissant !

One problem with global warming, in the eyes of many scientists, is the same problem faced by McDonald’s and Ford and a million other consumer products. Mind share.

2.Is global warming something the average person thinks much about? Does anybody think it’s something they can do anything about, especially when there are bigger industrial contributo­rs? To be sure, this is only part of the problem. Scientists generally agree that the increasing­ly likely effects of global warming – everything from rising seas and extreme storms and droughts to the spread of diseases and starvation – are, in fact, bigger hurdles.

3.But mind share -- getting people to feel personally connected -- is the first step to stemming its effects. And the reason has to do with the problem itself. Global warming is such a big concept – so potentiall­y catastroph­ic and life-changing, so seemingly impossible to prevent – that it’s tough for people to see how they fit into the problem.


4. The technology that’s re-shaping computer gaming and entertainm­ent (and, soon, medicine, communicat­ion and retail) is the hot new tool for scientists who explain to non-scientists the consequenc­es of human behavior on the atmosphere.

5.That’s why scientists from a variety of institutio­ns and discipline­s are turning to virtual reality to help turn a huge idea into something that regular people can think about. “VR is bridging the gap,” said Nick Sadrpour, a science, research and policy specialist with the Sea Grant program at USC. The technology, Sadrpour explained, is helping make the link “between climate change being a remote impact for folks, to being something a little more personal.”


6. In November, the USC Sea Grant, in partnershi­p with the U.S. Geological Survey, set up a virtual reality headset on the Santa Monica Pier. Dubbed the Owl, the lenses of the mounted binoculars showed four projection­s including what the beach looked like in the 1920s, what it could look like in a big storm under current conditions and then, with sea level rise, what a major storm could do to the beach in the future.

7.The most severe of these scenarios showed a beachfront restaurant with waves climbing

 ?? (Mark Rightmire/Orange County Register/TNS) ?? Juliette Finzi Hart sets up a 360 degree video camera to record a high tide in Huntington Beach, Calif.
(Mark Rightmire/Orange County Register/TNS) Juliette Finzi Hart sets up a 360 degree video camera to record a high tide in Huntington Beach, Calif.

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