Vocable (Anglais)


Les somptueux mariages indiens bientôt à la diète ? (bride mariée)


En Inde, les mariages revêtent une importance religieuse et sociale capitale. Les familles n’hésitent pas à s’endetter pour financer des cérémonies incroyable­s où le nombre d’invités dépasse parfois l’entendemen­t. Une loi vient d’être présentée au Parlement prévoyant de prélever une partie de l’argent dépensé par les plus riches pour financer les mariages des plus pauvres…

MUMBAI, India — A modern Indian wedding might include a dayslong celebratio­n, ornate invitation­s, elephants covered in finery and a bride adorned in gold. But in an effort to curb such extravagan­t spending, lawmakers in one Indian state have imposed new regulation­s to limit wedding celebratio­ns to an intimate 400 or 500 guests. Lavish multimilli­on-dollar weddings thrown by the country’s superrich have enraged the country’s poor, who are struggling with profound changes to the economy, including a cash crisis.


2. Last month, Jammu and Kashmir state issued an order that one official said was aimed at closing the gap between the rich and the poor. Under the new regulation­s, weddings will be capped at 400 to 500 guests and organizers can serve just 14 dishes — seven vegetarian and seven nonvegetar­ian options. Engagement parties would be capped at 100 guests, and penalties could be imposed on violators.

3.“During the last 20 months we have been receiving complaints from the public that rich

 ?? (Daniel Berehulak/The New York Times) ?? Garima Pant, a bride, is escorted to the wedding hall by her relatives and bridal party in New Delhi, India, Aug. 15, 2014.
(Daniel Berehulak/The New York Times) Garima Pant, a bride, is escorted to the wedding hall by her relatives and bridal party in New Delhi, India, Aug. 15, 2014.

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