Vocable (Anglais)

It may be Trump's hometown, but it's de Blasio's city

Le maire de New York rempile pour un second mandat.


Bill de Blasio vient d’être réélu maire de New York. En novembre, le démocrate l’a emporté aisément, avec 66% des voix face à sa rivale, la républicai­ne Nicole Malliotaki­s. Fan des Red Sox, toujours en retard et faroucheme­nt anti-Trump… Mais qui est vraiment Bill de Blasio ? Et quel bilan tirer de son premier mandat ?

He is the anti-Trump, a self-styled progressiv­e who is mayor of the president’s hometown and a prominent voice in the Democratic resistance to the White House.

2.Despite misgivings by many New Yorkers who complain the mayor can be out of touch with their daily concerns, Bill de Blasio handily won a second term in office leading the nation’s largest city, a perch from which he can remain a thorn in the side of the city’s most prominent native son, President Donald Trump.

3.There is even talk that de Blasio, along with his fellow big-city mayor Eric Garcetti of Los Angeles, might be a prospectiv­e presidenti­al candidate himself.

4.“I think he wants to go national,” said George Arzt, a former aide to New York mayor Ed Koch and a longtime political consultant.


5.Since Trump was elected a year ago, de Blasio has made no secret of his opposition to the president and his policies, announcing his support for women in the face of a proposal to defund Planned Parenthood, defiance of the president’s order to cut federal funding to socalled sanctuary cities and a steadfast commitment to immigrants.

6.Just one day before the election, in remarks at a meeting of a local economic developmen­t

organizati­on, de Blasio again took aim at Trump, criticizin­g his tax plan as being harmful to the city.

7.“The danger to New York City isn’t here — it’s 200 miles down I-95,” he said, referring to the freeway that runs the length of the East Coast.

8.De Blasio also repeatedly cited his anti-Trump stance during his re-election campaign against Republican Nicole Malliotaki­s and independen­t Bo Dietl, tarring them as being too close to the president, who is extremely unpopular in his home city.

9.A 6-foot-5-inch Boston Red Sox fan, de Blasio is not especially well-loved himself, despite the political support.

10.Like Trump, he has a reputation for being a bit of a snob. He is late for meetings. He takes chauffeure­d rides on workdays to a Brooklyn gym. Perhaps worst of all, he shares a Trump trait that is the New York equivalent of wearing a bow tie to a bowling alley: He eats pizza with a knife and fork.

11.“It’s just blasphemou­s,” said Corey Hoffmann, a 28-year-old originally from New Jersey. “But it wouldn’t stop me from voting for him,” he added, noting that he voted for de Blasio in 2013 and again last month.


12.The mayor was elected to his first term on campaign promises to curtail police officers’ use of stop-and-frisk, which critics argued was tantamount to racial profiling, and to increase affordable housing following years of luxury developmen­t and soaring housing prices.

13.He delivered on both, settling a constituti­onal lawsuit over the policing practice and adding close to 80,000 affordable housing units — something he has vowed to continue in a second term.

14.His signature achievemen­t was to extend public pre-kindergart­en to all eligible children — a program he now aims to extend to early childhood education for 3-year-olds.

15.But the mayor’s tenure was also characteri­zed by memorable moments of discord, including funerals where police officers turned their backs on him in a show of protest and open spats with New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who opposed the “millionair­e’s tax” de Blasio wanted to pay for the pre-K program.


16.At a polling station in the Crown Heights neighborho­od of Brooklyn, local issues dominated in voters’ minds more than Trump did. The neighborho­od, historical­ly home to a large Caribbean population, is one of a few in the outer boroughs that has seen rapid change and a dramatic increase in rents in the last four years.

17.“Poor people are getting pushed out — they can’t afford the rent,” said Erwin Edwards, who bought his house in Bedford-Stuyvesant, another rapidly gentrifyin­g neighborho­od, in 1998. “He has to do more.”

18.Edwards, a retired city bus driver, said he was glad the mayor reined in the police. More directly relevant to him, he said, de Blasio did a good job of plowing the streets in outer boroughs after major snow storms — something Bloomberg did not.

19.On other transit issues, though, voters said de Blasio needed to do more.

20.Subway crowding, delays and derailment­s have become a major headache for New Yorkers in recent years, with de Blasio and Cuomo openly fighting over who is to blame. This year de Blasio issued a list of priorities for subway improvemen­ts but said the city shouldn’t have to pay a dime.

21.“The power play between the two of them is impacting (services),” said Earl Phillips, secretaryt­reasurer of Transport Workers Union Local 100, which represents transit workers in the city. “The subways are a mess. The bulk of the operation and of the real estate are in the city. … He’s not putting his fair share of funding in.”

22.Despite those criticisms, voters shared one dominant sentiment: Bill de Blasio, the only progressiv­e on the ballot, was better than the rest.

 ?? (Kathy Willens/AP/SIPA) ??
(Kathy Willens/AP/SIPA)

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