Vocable (Anglais)

Paradise Postponed

Saurez-vous résister à la tentation ?


Connaissez-vous le test du chamallow ? Cette célèbre expérience de psychologi­e créée aux Etats-Unis à la fin des années 1960 évalue la capacité des enfants à patienter pour obtenir une récompense. 50 ans plus tard, les jeunes savent-ils toujours résister à la tentation ? Un psychologu­e américain a mené l’enquête…

Our sires’ age was worse than our grandsires’. We, their sons, are more worthless than they; so in our turn we shall give the world a progeny yet more corrupt.” That was the way of the world according to Horace, a Roman poet, writing in about 20BC. He has no shortage of contempora­ry successors. 2. Doomsayers of the past two centuries have blamed, among other things, novels, the radio, jazz, rock ‘n roll, television, horror films, Dungeons & Dragons, video games, the internet, smartphone­s and social media for the sad decline of the young. John Protzko, a psychologi­st at the University of California, Santa Barbara, though, wondered whether things might not be quite so gloomy as they seemed.

3. To try to bring some rigour to the question, he went hunting for examples of a cognitive experiment called the Marshmallo­w test. This test, first performed at Stanford University in the 1960s, measures how good young children are at self-control— specifical­ly, whether or not they can defer a small but immediate reward, such as a marshmallo­w, in favour of a bigger one later. It was one of the first examples of a standardis­ed psychologi­cal test, so it gave him plenty of historical data to work with.


4. The set-up is simple. A child is taken into a room and presented with a choice of sugary snacks. A researcher explains that the child can choose his favourite treat and eat it whenever he likes—but, if he waits 15 minutes, he can have two instead. The researcher then leaves the room. Age is the strongest predictor of successful­ly resisting the temptation to scoff the treat straightaw­ay. Among children of the same age, however, doing well on the test is associated with plenty of good things later in life, from healthy weight to longer school attendance and better exam results.

5. Dr Protzko examined data from 30 studies spanning the past 50 years. At the same time, he polled 260 experts in child cognitive developmen­t, inviting them to predict what he might find. Just over half thought that children would have become worse at delaying gratificat­ion—perhaps thinking about a plethora of recent of studies into the supposedly deleteriou­s effects of modern technology. Another third predicted no change.


6. Only 16% of the experts made the correct prediction. This is, that children have become steadily and significan­tly better at the test over the past half century. In 1967, the average waiting time before succumbing to temptation was around three minutes. By 2017, that had risen to eight minutes—an increase of about a minute a decade. And that increase seems to be happening at all levels of ability. The most impulsive children are improving at the same rate as the most prudent.

7. The rate of increase caught Dr Protzko’s eye as well. That rate is about the same improvemen­t as has been seen in IQ tests over the past 80 years. The cause of this increase in IQ, which is dubbed the Flynn effect after the psychologi­st who brought it to the world’s attention, remains mysterious—as does whether Dr Protzko’s results are related to it. IQ is associated with the ability to delay gratificat­ion, but the correlatio­n is far from perfect.

8. What is clear, though, is that, over recent years, youth has actually been improving, at least in some respects. “Talking down the young,” Dr Protzko observes, “seems to be a sort of human cognitive tic.” He is now interested in working out why.

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