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Les Etats-Unis abrogent la « neutralité du net »


Last month, the Federal Communicat­ions Commission voted to scrap a rule that protected net neutrality in the United States. Net neutrality is a principle which guarantees that Internet service providers (ISPs) give consumers equal access to online content regardless of its source. In practice, it means that ISPs cannot block, speed up or slow down data from particular websites because they have been paid to do so. Many argue that the reversal of this principle, which was introduced under President Barack Obama, will make the Internet less open and accessible. A recent poll from the University of Maryland showed that 83% of Americans opposed repealing net neutrality. ISPs will now be closely watched to see if, and how, they take advantage of the new system.

to dismantle démanteler; ici, abroger / to scrap abandonner, mettre au rebut; ici, abroger / rule règlementa­tion / Internet service provider (ISP) fournisseu­r d’accès à Internet (FAI) / consumer consommate­ur, utilisateu­r / content contenu / regardless of ici, quelle que soit / to speed, sped, sped up accélérer / to slow down ralentir / data données / to argue soutenir / reversal ici, abrogation (aussi, revirement) / to make, made, made rendre, avoir pour conséquenc­e / poll sondage (d’opinion) / to repeal abroger / to watch surveiller, observer / to take, took, taken advantage of profiter de.

 ?? (Carolyn Kaster/AP/SIPA) ?? Two women carry an alarm clock that reads "Net Neutrality" after a protest in Washington, Dec. 14, 2017.
(Carolyn Kaster/AP/SIPA) Two women carry an alarm clock that reads "Net Neutrality" after a protest in Washington, Dec. 14, 2017.

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