Vocable (Anglais)

Donnez pour chaque phrase la lettre (de A à K) qui correspond à l’explicatio­n donnée dans les piqûres de rappel 1 et 2.


1. 2. I’ll Will see you you wake tonight me up at Bill’s at 6 am house. tomorrow? 3. Shall we take your car or mine? 4. What are you going to use all that paper for? 5. Hurry up. The train leaves in 5 minutes. 6. Look at those clouds. I think it’s going to rain. 7. I’ll finish that for you if you want to leave early. 8. I’m sure he’ll be elected. The polls are in his favour. 9. What shall I do about all the extra work I’ve been given? 10. Tom tells me you are travelling by Eurostar when you go to London. 11. We are going to visit Rome before heading to the coast. 12. That suitcase looks heavy. Are you staying for a long time? 13. Your boss isn’t coming to next week’s meeting, is he? 14. We shall not negotiate. 15. Shall I carry your bag for you? 16. He’ll be here soon. His train is due in at 4 pm.

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