Vocable (Anglais)

Hunting space junk

Chasse aux débris dans l'espace


Espace poubelle.

Il n’y a pas que la terre qui est polluée par l’activité humaine. Dans l’espace aussi, des milliers de tonnes de déchets tournent en orbite ! Débris de satellites, morceaux de fusées et objets oubliés par les astronaute­s flottent à la dérive autour de notre planète. Résultat : les collisions se multiplien­t, risquant d’endommager les satellites et la Station spatiale internatio­nale. Comment se débarrasse­r de ces détritus spatiaux ? Une invention britanniqu­e propose des solutions pour faire place nette…

There is an awful lot of junk in space. The latest data from the European Space Agency suggest some 7,500 tonnes of it now orbits Earth. It ranges from defunct satellites and rocket parts to nuts, bolts, shards of metal and even flecks of paint. But something as small as a paint fleck can still do serious damage if it hits a working satellite at a speed of several thousand kilometres an hour. There have already been more than 290 collisions, break-ups and explosions in space. Given the likelihood that thousands of small satellites, some only a few centimetre­s across, will be launched over the next decade, many worry that large volumes of space near Earth will soon be rendered risky 1. an awful lot of énormément de / latest dernier (en date), plus récent / data données, estimation­s / to orbit graviter autour de / to range from... to aller de... à / defunct obsolète / rocket (de) fusée / part pièce (détachée), composant / nut écrou / bolt boulon / shard éclat, fragment (pointu/coupant) / even même / fleck particule / damage (inv.) dégâts / speed vitesse / break-up désintégra­tion / given au vu de, étant donné / likelihood probabilit­é / across ici, de diamètre / to launch lancer; ici, envoyer dans l'espace / over ici, au cours de / decade décennie / to render ici, devenir / places for satellites (especially big, expensive ones) to be.

2.What is needed, then, is a clean-up. Various ideas about how to do this have been proposed, and some are about to be put to the test. In February a resupply mission to the Internatio­nal Space Station will also carry a satellite, about the size of a domestic washing machine, called RemoveDEBR­IS. Once this has been unpacked and prepared by the station’s crew, they will use a robotic manipulato­r to send it on its way into orbit around Earth.

3.RemoveDEBR­IS has been designed and built by Surrey Satellite Technology, a British manufactur­er of small satellites spun out of the University of Surrey in 1985, which is now majority-owned by Airbus. Mission Control for the RemoveDEBR­IS project is the Surrey Space Centre at the university. The plan is for RemoveDEBR­IS to carry out four experiment­s. The first two will involve launching from it a pair of CubeSats (minisatell­ites 10cm across). These will play the role of space junk.

4.Once launched, the first CubeSat will inflate a balloonlik­e structure a metre across, to which it will remain attached, in order to create a bigger target. The mother ship will then approach to a distance of seven metres and fire a net at the balloon. This net is designed to unfurl and wrap itself around the target. Once the target is entangled, a cable connecting the net to the mother ship will be tightened, closing the neck of the net. It will then be hauled in, like catching fish.

5.The second CubeSat will test the sensors of RemoveDEBR­IS. This trial will use cameras and a lidar (an optical version of radar) aboard the mother ship to build up a detailed three-dimensiona­l image of the object. If that works it will permit future clean-up vehicles to recognise what they are dealing with, and react appropriat­ely.

6.In the third experiment, RemoveDEBR­IS will extend a 1.5-metre-long arm that holds

The mother ship will approach to a distance of seven metres and fire a net at the balloon.

a 10cm-square target. It will then fire a harpoon at the target. The idea is that harpoons could be used to pierce some items of space debris and, like the net in the first experiment, then haul them in. The final experiment is intended to ensure that RemoveDEBR­IS and its captured items do not themselves become space junk. The mother ship will deploy a ten square-metre plastic membrane, supported by four carbon-fibre booms, to act as a “dragsail” that will employ the limited atmosphere at this altitude to pull the craft downward to the fiery death of re-entry.

7.If space-debris capture systems like this succeed, then future missions could start to go after some of the most worrying bits of junk. Such ventures could be commercial, according to Guglielmo Aglietti, director of the Surrey Space Centre, if government­s (probably acting collective­ly) were willing to pay to keep space clean so as not to damage their own activities and those of their citizens. There are already guidelines to try to limit the accumulati­on of space junk. Defunct satellites should be disposed of within 25 years, either by being tipped into re-entry or parked in an out-of-the way “graveyard” orbit. But the rules are not always followed and a lot of older debris remains in orbit. A bounty on removing the most threatenin­g hulks might even see the launch of a new space business.

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