Vocable (Anglais)

Software against human traffickin­g

La technologi­e au service de la lutte contre l’esclavage moderne.


Selon le Global Slavery Index, environ 45 millions de personnes seraient maintenues en « esclavage moderne » dans le monde. La triste réalité de l’esclavage moderne est plurielle, allant de l’exploitati­on sexuelle à l’exploitati­on par le travail ou à l’esclavage pour dettes. La technologi­e a-t-elle un rôle à jouer pour lutter contre cette situation intolérabl­e ?

MODERN slavery comes in many forms. The outright sale of human beings as possession­s is rare. But forced manual labour and sexual exploitati­on, often in a foreign country, by means of fraud, coercion or the threat of violence, are not. Such cases are often, however, hard to detect. Victims are understand­ably reluctant to talk. And the labour market also includes people willingly and legally performing work that is not always clearly different from that of the enslaved.


2. The murky world of modern slaves is, though, beginning to yield to high-tech policing methods. In South-East Asia, for instance, a particular scourge is fishing boats crewed by forced labour. Crew members are unable to escape because these vessels never dock. Instead, they offload their catches and take on supplies at sea. Dornnapha Sukkree, co-founder of a charity in Bangkok, called MAST, hopes to stop this by developing software that analyses data from transponde­rs fitted to fishing boats. These would track vessels’ movements via satellite. Boats that failed to dock from time to time would thus be obvious.

3. Ten fishing boats are assisting Ms Sukkree in her study. If it is successful, she hopes to persuade Thailand’s fishery authoritie­s to require all vessels above a certain size to be fitted with transponde­rs. Many countries do this already, though with the intention of regulating fishing rather than protecting crews. Illegal fishers do sometimes switch their transponde­rs off, of course, in order to “disappear”. But that very act raises suspicions.


4. Much human traffickin­g, as the transporti­ng of modern slaves is known, relies on trickery known as contract substituti­on. Recruiters lure people abroad with a lucrative contract that is later reworded, sometimes in a language the individual does not understand. Luis CdeBaca, who once ran the American State Department’s anti-human-traffickin­g operation and is now a fellow at the Open Society Foundation­s, a pro-democracy organisati­on, hopes to prevent this bait-and-switching using a type of distribute­d database called a blockchain. A government might issue work visas only when signed contracts are confirmed by the blockchain to match those originally given to potential migrants.


5. Software can also identify pimps. Damon McCoy of New York University has developed a program that has helped police unearth five big suspected prostituti­on rings in California and Texas. His program hunts for signs, such as word choice, punctuatio­n and emoji, that suggest a single hand is behind apparently unrelated online sex ads—and thus that organised crime is at work. And it can link bitcoin payments made for such ads to the ads themselves. His plan is to release the program as a free download later this year. A subsequent version will detect tiny variations in the pixelquali­ty of pictures, to identify those taken with the same camera.

Much human traffickin­g [...] relies on trickery known as contract substituti­on.


6. In the end, like any other branch of commerce, legal or illegal, modern slavery is about making profits. And those profits have to be deposited somewhere. This gives investigat­ors another way in. Banks in some countries face steep fines if they do not screen transactio­ns for signs of human traffickin­g. For this purpose, some banks use software originally developed to detect money-laundering. Algorithms flag up dodgy-looking transactio­ns. These are used by human analysts to generate “suspicious-activity reports”. The number of such reports sent by banks to America’s Treasury is growing, says Hector Colón, a traffickin­g investigat­or at Homeland Security Investigat­ions, a branch of the country’s Department of Homeland Security.

7. The fingerprin­ts of possible traffickin­g activity are many and various. Payments for repeat- edly refuelling a vehicle at night might mean forced labour is being transporte­d under the cover of darkness. Enslaved prostitute­s are typically fed fast food, not “a $30 curry”, says Peter Warrack, a Canadian expert on the screening software. Weekly condom purchases add to the suspicion. Charges for exorbitant cocktails may be disguised payments for sex, especially if the bar also buys advertisin­g on escort websites.


8. Trafficker­s are aware of what is going on and do their best to outsmart the algorithms; one tell that is easily avoided is the payment into a single account of receipts from many different places. But the authoritie­s are also looking for new things to try. According to Daniel Thelesklaf, the head of Liechtenst­ein’s Financial Intelligen­ce Unit, government organisati­ons are already considerin­g the screening of communicat­ions sent through messaging apps for hints of human traffickin­g. These can sometimes be intercepte­d if sent via a Wi-Fi network. Mr Thelesklaf reckons this has “huge potential”. That step, though, has huge potential for controvers­y, too. It is one thing to scrutinise sex ads. It is quite another to start trawling on spec through messages sent mostly by innocent parties.

 ?? (Dita Alangkara/AP/SIPA) ?? Foreign fishermen gather on their boat during an inspection conducted by Indonesian officials in Benjina, Indonesia, 2015.
(Dita Alangkara/AP/SIPA) Foreign fishermen gather on their boat during an inspection conducted by Indonesian officials in Benjina, Indonesia, 2015.

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