Vocable (Anglais)

Les continuous tenses


1 Remplissez les blancs en conjuguant le verbe entre parenthèse­s. Attention, certains verbes sont à un temps continu, d’autres non.

John (1) .......................... (help) his son to build a new house but on the second day he (2) .......................... (fall) down a ladder and (3) .......................... (finish) up in hospital. He was disappoint­ed that he couldn’t continue to help him as they (4) .................................... (plan) the work for several months.

Anna was not happy when her boyfriend (5) .......................... (arrive). She (6) .................................... (wait) for over an hour. In fact, when he arrived she (7) .......................... (put) on her coat and was about to leave the restaurant.

Jason is not in the office. He (8) .......................... (work) from home today. He (9) .................................... (attend) meetings all week and (10) .......................... (need) to catch up on some administra­tive tasks. 2 Complétez les phrases avec have/has ou had. 1. I am tired. I ………… .. been working hard all day.

2. It started to rain while we were playing. We ………… .. only been playing for 10 minutes.

3. I don’t want anything else to eat. We ………… .. been eating all day!

4. She ………… .. been looking for a new house for several months but can’t find anything in her price range.

5. They ………… .. been hoping to move to London but have decided to stay in Luton for the moment.

6. Someone ………… .. been smoking in here. I can smell cigarettes.

7. I ………… .. been working here for over ten years. I feel it’s time for a change.

8. We were exhausted by the time we got there. We ………… .. been travelling for 36 hours.

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