Vocable (Anglais)

Agreement’s key points



The transition period begins on 29 March

2019 and lasts until 31 December 2020. The UK will need to abide by all EU rules, but will lose membership of its institutio­ns. The transition can be extended once for a limited period.

to last durer / to abide, abided or abode by se conformer à / rule réglementa­tion / membership adhésion, appartenan­ce.

Irish border backstop

The UK and EU commit to trying to reach a future trade agreement by the end of 2020. If there is no extension to the transition period, the backstop solution will be implemente­d to avoid a hard border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. The backstop consists of a temporary single customs union between the EU and the UK.

border frontière / backstop filet de sécurité; ici, clause de sauvegarde / to commit to s’engager à / to reach parvenir à / to implement mettre en place / to avoid éviter / customs union union douanière.

Divorce bill

The agreement sets out the calculatio­ns for the divorce bill the UK will need to pay the EU. It is estimated at about $50 billion.

divorce bill ici, «facture du divorce», règlement financier du Brexit / to set, set, set out présenter / billion milliard.

Citizens rights

UK citizens in the EU, and EU citizens in the UK, will retain their residency and social security rights after Brexit.

citizen citoyen / to retain conserver / residency permis de séjour.


The agreement says that a separate

agreement will need to be reached on access to EU fishing in UK waters.

fishery (industrie de la) pêche.

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