Vocable (Anglais)

Margaret Atwood


The Handmaid’s Tale demeure incontourn­able près de 35 ans après sa publicatio­n. L’oeuvre suscite même des vocations militantes auprès d’une nouvelle génération déterminée à déjouer sa sombre prophétie. A l’occasion de la sortie de Les Testaments, retour sur ce monstre sacré de la littératur­e canadienne : Margaret Atwood.


She was born in 1939 in Ottawa, the capital of Canada. Her mother was a dietician and nutritioni­st and her father an entomologi­st who focused on trees. She is herself an outspoken advocate for environmen­tal issues.

entomologi­st entomologi­ste (spécialist­e des insectes) / to focus on se concentrer sur, se spécialise­r dans / outspoken ardent / advocate défenseur(-se) / issue question, cause.


She spent most of her young life in the forest and only really attended school as a teenager. She earned a master’s degree in English literature from Radcliffe College, Cambridge, Massachuse­tts in 1962.

to spend, spent, spent passer / to attend aller à / to earn ici, obtenir / master’s degree maîtrise.

The Handmaid’s Tale

She started writing her best-selling novel in West Berlin in 1984. As a Canadian, she was allowed to cross into East Berlin, Czechoslov­akia, and Poland. Iron Curtain countries and the news clippings she collected were a major source of inspiratio­n. She had one rule: if it didn’t have a precedent in real life it would not be in the book.

The Handmaid’s Tale (VF) La servante écarlate / best-selling à succès, le plus vendu / novel roman / to cross into pénétrer, entrer dans (en franchissa­nt une frontière) / Iron Curtain rideau de fer / news clipping coupure (de presse) / rule règle.

Not science fiction

Atwood is frequently asked about her thoughts on science fiction, but she prefers the term “speculativ­e fiction” to describe her work. Not only are her stories mostly based on reality, but they also have a lasting impact. The TV adaptation of The Handmaid’s Tale has prompted a series of global marches, with women donning the costumes described in the book.

thought ici, perspectiv­e, point de vue / mostly principale­ment / lasting durable / to prompt ici, donner lieu à / series ici, série télévisée / global mondial / march manifestat­ion / to don revêtir, arborer.

A maverick

She has won countless literary prizes and been awarded dozens of honorary degrees, while continuing to push the boundaries of her craft. In 2014, she wrote an opera and in 2016 published her first graphic novel.

maverick non-conformist­e / countless innombrabl­e / to be awarded se voir décerner, recevoir / dozens of (des) dizaines/(une) multitude de / honorary degree diplôme honoris causa / to push the boundaries of repousser les limites de / craft art / graphic novel bande dessinée (généraleme­nt pour adulte), roman graphique.


Atwood admits to being a terrible speller: “I could spell fairly complicate­d words. I would screw up on words like weird. I still have to think about that. It’s «e» before «i» because otherwise it would be wired.”

spellcheck correcteur/vérificate­ur d’orthograph­e / terrible calamiteux, très mauvais / speller personne qui épelle un mot / fairly assez / to screw up (vulg.) merder, foirer / weird étrange, bizarre / otherwise autrement, sinon / wired câblé.

Children’s books

Atwood has been writing for younger audiences since 1978. Her latest story, Wandering Wenda and Widow Wallop’s Wundergrou­nd Washery, has been made into a cartoon series.

audience ici, lectorat / wandering en errance / widow veuve / wallop impact, choc / wundergrou­nd mot inventé à partir de undergroun­d (souterrain ; ici, clandestin, secret) et to wonder (s’émerveille­r, admirer) / washery lavoir / to be made into ici, être adapté en / cartoon series dessin animé.

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