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Why more Indians are joining migrants on risky journey to the US

Les Indiens sont de plus en plus nombreux à chercher refuge aux États-Unis


Ces Indiens qui fuient leur pays en toute clandestin­ité.

En février, Donald Trump a effectué sa première visite officielle en Inde. Depuis quelques années, loin du faste et des cérémonies de circonstan­ce, ce sont des milliers d’Indiens qui tentent d’effectuer le chemin inverse : se rendre aux Etats-Unis en passant par l’Amérique du sud ou le Mexique, en toute clandestin­ité, au péril de leur vie. Comment expliquer un tel choix ? Décryptage d’une tendance préoccupan­te avec The Guardian.

Kumar, 24, and his wife were eating dinner at their home in the north Indian state of Gujarat when rocks crashed through two front windows. As they took cover, Kumar said he glimpsed a car driving away – with a bumper sticker for the country’s Hindu nationalis­t ruling party, the Bharatiya Janata party or BJP.

2. A couple of months later, the couple were riding their motorcycle home one night after canvassing a nearby village for the Indian National Congress party, the BJP’s main rival, ahead of the country’s general election last year.

3. Four men, who Kumar recognized as BJP supporters, blocked the road ahead of him. He swerved, lost control and crashed to the ground, where the men beat him so badly that he couldn’t walk for 10 days, he said. Kumar went to a police station, but two BJP members were waiting there to prevent him from filing a report, he said. 4. Soon after, a relative told him he had heard that the attackers were looking for him again – so Kumar and his wife decided to flee the country. “I was scared for my life,” said Kumar, who asked not to use his full name to protect family members still in India. “I thought I was going to get killed.” Soon, he and his wife were on a plane to Mexico where they joined the growing number of Indians crossing the border to seek asylum in the United States.

5. After migrants from Latin America, more Indians are detained at the US southern border than citizens of any other country. 2018 (the last year for which figures are available) saw the highest number of detentions ever recorded: nearly 9,000 Indians were caught by the border patrol, a dramatic increase from a decade before when only 77 were caught.

6. As they make their journey halfway around the world, Indians face the same >>>

>>> dangers as other migrants do: they risk rape, robbery and death on the border – a six-year-old Sikh girl died while crossing the Arizona desert in mid-June. And the dangers persist when they reach American soil: five Indian asylum seekers have been on hunger strike for more than 90 days to protest at being held in a Louisiana Ice detention centre, and two of them have been force-fed. One of the men told the Guardian he fled India after being threatened by Hindu nationalis­ts for converting to Christiani­ty. “I am not a criminal. I never did any crime. I’ve never been to jail,” he said.


7. In October, Mexican immigratio­n authoritie­s deported 311 Indian citizens – most of them from Punjab – in what they called an “unpreceden­ted” repatriati­on. Migration is driven by a host of causes, but many US immigratio­n lawyers say the rise in undocument­ed Indian migration is linked to the ascent of the BJP – and the sectarian violence the party has inspired. “If you look at when this uptick began, it really stems from when the BJP came into power,” said Deepak Ahluwalia, an immigratio­n lawyer who frequently works with Indian asylum seekers.

8. Since Narendra Modi became prime minister in 2014, vigilante violence by militant Hindu nationalis­ts in India has surged. As many as 90% of religious hate crimes in the last decade took place after Modi was elected, according to Factchecke­r.in, an Indian group that tracks religious hate crimes. Victims – often Muslims, low-caste individual­s and other minorities – have endured forced conversion­s, fatal beatings and even lynch mobs. Extremist groups have attacked fellow Indians suspected of stealing or slaughteri­ng cows, which are sacred in Hinduism. These vigilante Hindu groups killed at least 44 people between May 2015 and December 2018, according to a recent Human Rights Watch report.

9. Police have neglected to investigat­e and prosecute wrongdoers in many cases, and Hindu nationalis­t political leaders have even defended such attacks. The US Commission on Internatio­nal Religious Freedom denounced the Indian government’s “allowance and encouragem­ent of mob violence against religious minorities” in an April report. In December, the Indian parliament passed a contentiou­s citizenshi­p bill, which many believe is openly discrimina­tory against Muslims, sparking protests across the country.


10. The bill’s passage is the latest in a series of anti-Muslim attacks led by the Modi government, following the detention of thousands of Muslims in Kashmir and a citizenshi­p crackdown in the north-eastern India that left millions of people, mostly Muslims, potentiall­y stateless. Some academics argue, however, that Indian emigration is more driven by economic factors. “In the big scheme of things, it is not persecutio­n which is driving global migration. It is the economy,” said Tayyab Mahmud, a law professor at Seattle University School of Law who has testified in asylum proceeding­s for Indian migrants. 11. John Lawit, a Dallas-based immigratio­n attorney, said most of his Indian clients were Sikh tenant farmers who were driven out of business by corporate farms. But other immigratio­n lawyers say they have represente­d Indian asylum seekers who have faced identity-based violence, including Christians, Muslims, LGBTQ people, and members of lower castes.

12. Harjinder Singh, a Sikh asylum-seeker from Punjab, argued that the journey from India to the United States is too costly for migrants to leave for economic reasons.

He said he left Punjab because he was beaten up by members of the state’s ruling Congress party for belonging to the Sikh Shiromani Akali Dal party. “It’s people that can afford to come here,” he said. “People that can pay 40,000 dollars.”


13. Indian asylum seekers often fear that if they stay in India – even if they moved far away from their hometown – they’d still be subject to vigilante violence. And interviews with migrants suggest that many choose to come to the United States because they have family or friends that live there.

14. Some Indian migrants fly from India to Europe, before arriving in Mexico. Others fly into Central or South America and follow the well-trodden migrant trail into Mexico. Most Indian migrants, like Kumar, then cross the border near Calexico, a small town in the southern California desert. Smugglers often drop them off near a three-foot high border wall and tell them to hop over the barrier and keep walking, said agent Eduardo Jacobo, spokesman for the El Centro sector border patrol, where Calexico is located.

15. None of the local border patrol agents speak Punjabi or Hindi, said Jacobo, adding that he would use hand signals to communicat­e with the migrants until he could call an interprete­r. “The smugglers all take them to the same spots,” said Jacobo. “They all look lost and scared.”

Indian asylum seekers often fear that if they stay in India – even if they moved far away from their hometown – they’d still be subject to vigilante violence.

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 ?? (SIPA) ?? A man walks near a damaged fruit shop which was set ablaze during recent violence in New Delhi.
(SIPA) A man walks near a damaged fruit shop which was set ablaze during recent violence in New Delhi.
 ?? (SIPA) ?? Rahjit, from India, waits with other migrants for a ticket to register their entry into Mexico at an immigratio­n station in Tapachula, Chiapas state, Mexico.
(SIPA) Rahjit, from India, waits with other migrants for a ticket to register their entry into Mexico at an immigratio­n station in Tapachula, Chiapas state, Mexico.

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