Vocable (Anglais)

The lasting impact of coronaviru­s on global supply chains

Les conséquenc­es à long terme du coronaviru­s sur les chaînes d'approvisio­nnement mondiales


L’épidémie se propage à l’économie mondiale.

En janvier 2020, le monde découvre l’existence de la maladie à coronaviru­s COVID-19. Cette épidémie, qui a débuté dans la ville de Wuhan, la capital de la province du Hubei en Chine centrale, s’est progressiv­ement répandue. Mais alors que les origines et les modalités de transmissi­on du virus étaient à peine établies, son impact sur l’économie internatio­nale se faisait déjà sentir. La Chine, foyer du virus, est en effet également l’usine du monde et ni elle, ni ses partenaire­s économique­s n’avaient prévu de plan B. De quoi craindre une crise durable. Explicatio­ns.

To glimpse the impact of the new coronaviru­s on global businesses, consider Apple. Such is the American tech titan’s reliance on the Chinese mainland for parts and assembly that United Airlines typically shuttles some 50 of its executives between California and China each day. But not at the moment. United and other carriers have suspended flights to and from China. A lack of workers meant that after the end of the lunar new-year holiday Foxconn, which makes most of Apple’s iPhones in China, could not get its assembly plants back to full capacity this week. Analysts reckon that the virus could lead to Apple shipping 5-10% fewer iPhones this quarter and could scupper its plans to ramp up production of its popular AirPods. 2. As covid-19 spreads, its effect on business is amplified. Tourism into and out of the mainland has plunged. Some 400,000 Chinese tourists were forecast to cancel trips to Japan by the end of March. One large cruise ship in Asia was turned away by five countries because of fears that those on board were infected (Cambodia at last allowed it to dock). The Singapore Air Show earned the city-state some $250m in 2018, but far less this week owing to cancellati­ons by 70 companies including Lockheed Martin, an American defence giant. The Mobile World Congress, a giant telecoms conference due to take place in Barcelona in February, was been cancelled after companies from Vodafone and BT to Facebook and Amazon pulled out. It is increasing­ly clear that the virus could damage global supply chains, costing the world’s economy dearly.

3. Most multinatio­nal firms have been caught by surprise. This is not the first time they have suffered shocks to their Asian supply chains. The tsunami that hit Japan in 2011 and devastatin­g floods in Thailand the same year disrupted production for many big firms. More recently, Donald Trump’s trade war with

China has exposed the risks of supply chains that rely too heavily on the mainland. But the bosses of such businesses have done little to prepare for shocks such as that inflicted by the outbreak of the new coronaviru­s.

4. Investors are punishing companies for this failure. The shares of American firms with strong exposure to China have underperfo­rmed the S&P500 index by 5% since early January, when news of the outbreak first broke. There are three reasons to think the coming months could prove even more unpleasant for many firms. First, big multinatio­nals have left themselves dangerousl­y exposed to supply-chain risk owing to strategies designed to bring down their costs. For example, many keep only enough stock on hand to last a few weeks, confident that they can always replenish their inventorie­s “just in time”.

That confidence is misplaced, argues Bindiya Vakil of Resilinc, a consultanc­y.

5. The second vulnerabil­ity arises from the fact that giant firms are much more reliant on Chinese factories today than they were at the time of the SARS outbreak in 2003. China now accounts for 16% of global GDP, up from 4% back then. Its share of all exports in textiles >>>

>>> and apparel is now 40% of the global total. It generates 26% of the world’s furniture exports. It is also a voracious consumer of things such as metals, needed in manufactur­ing. In 2003 China sucked in 7% of global mining imports. Today it claims closer to a fifth.

6. Koray Köse of Gartner, a research firm, points out that it is not only the increase in size of China’s manufactur­ing base that matters. Since 2003 factories have spread from the coast to poorer interior regions like Wuhan, where the epidemic broke out. Workers from such places now toil at factories all over China—and travel home for the holidays. That interconne­ctedness increases supplychai­n risks, argues Mr Köse. So does the rising interdepen­dence of many firms. Mainland suppliers no longer simply assemble products; they make many of the parts that go into them as well.

7. The third reason to think that big companies may experience a supply-chain shock is that the regions worst affected by covid-19 and the subsequent government lockdowns are particular­ly important to several global industries. The electronic­s industry is most at risk, according to Llamasoft, a supply-chain analytics firm, because of its relatively thin inventorie­s and its lack of alternativ­e sources for parts.

8. Hubei province, where Wuhan is located, is the heart of China’s “optics valley”, home to many firms making components essential for telecoms networks. Perhaps a quarter of the world’s optical-fibre cables and devices are made there. One of China’s most advanced chip-fabricatio­n plants, which makes the flash memory used in smartphone­s, is found there, too. Analysts worry that the epidemic in Hubei could reduce global shipments of smartphone­s by as much as 10% this year.


9. The car industry has also been hit. The lack of parts from mainland-based suppliers forced Hyundai to shut all its car plants in South Korea (it is now partially reopening them). Nissan has temporaril­y closed one in Japan, and Fiat-Chrysler has warned that it could soon halt production at one of its European factories.

10. Fears of the virus are now affecting the global oil price. Chinese refiners are slashing output in anticipati­on of shrinking demand at home. Slowing Chinese demand is further darkening what was already a dismal outlook for natural gas. Chinese copper buyers have asked Chilean and Nigerian mining firms to delay or cancel shipments. Mongolia has suspended deliveries of coal to China.

11. Some Chinese firms are panicking. Dozens have received official “force majeure certificat­es”, which they hope will allow them to slip out of contracts without incurring penalties. They may not.

12. What happens next? Big firms want to ramp up production quickly. But it is unclear how soon workers will be allowed to return to factories. However, factory dormitorie­s are crowded. Foxconn’s workers are packed eight to a room at its Shenzhen plant. If that leads to renewed infections plants may be forced to shut down again. Senior bosses will return soon, but some worry that mid-level expatriate managers with young children will not.

13. Even when plants are up and running, moving goods around and out of China will remain difficult. The longer shipping volumes are depressed, the bigger the backlog when China Inc returns to work. That will probably lead to bottleneck­s and a surge in freight rates.

14. In the longer term the epidemic could dampen the love affair between multinatio­nals and China. Big companies had long assumed that their mainland supply chains were reliable and easy to manage. Surveys have found that only a minority of firms across all industries regularly assess their supply-chain risks carefully. For years bosses have devolved responsibi­lity for sourcing to mid-level managers, typically instructed to extract an extra percent or two from costs each year. The covid-19 outbreak has exposed the risks of doing so, especially since America’s trade war with China is not exactly resolved.

Hubei province, where Wuhan is located, is the heart of China’s “optics valley”, home to many firms making components essential for telecoms networks.

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 ?? (SIPA) ?? Specialist Meric Greenbaum works at his post on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, watching as stocks slump and bond prices soar as fears spread that the widening virus outbreak will put the brakes on the global economy.
(SIPA) Specialist Meric Greenbaum works at his post on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, watching as stocks slump and bond prices soar as fears spread that the widening virus outbreak will put the brakes on the global economy.

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