Vocable (Anglais)

Average person tries 126 fad diets in their lifetime

Un citoyen lambda tentera 126 régimes à la mode au cours de sa vie


Les régimes “tendances” ont toujours la cote.

On a beau prôner une plus grande acceptatio­n du corps humain quelle que soit sa taille ou sa forme, l’heure des régimes ne semble pas encore révolue. Selon un récent sondage, on testerait en moyenne une centaine de régimes différents au cours de notre vie. Entre ignorance et inconscien­ce, retour sur les pires tendances en la matière.

The average person will try 126 fad diets over the course of their lifetime, a new poll has claimed. A poll of 2,000 participan­ts found that the average person will embark on at least two fad diets a year, which would typically be abandoned after just six days. Among the most common “quick fix” methods were the Atkins Diet, the 5:2 and the Cabbage Soup Diet, while others opted to eliminate key food groups with the Keto, South Beach or Juice diets.

2. At least 52 per cent of participan­ts in the poll admitted they were really confused about which diets were sustainabl­e, while a fifth didn’t know where to go to get reliable and truthful informatio­n. “January tends to be the month when people embark on fad diets as a quick fix,” said Nick Marston, chairman of Love Fresh Berries, who commission­ed the poll.

3. Social media and self-help books are referred to by 15 per cent of people, but only 27 per cent say they would consider consulting a GP. Worryingly, a significan­t amount of people said they would try more extreme dieting methods. At least 16 per cent admitted they would consider drinking up to 12 glasses of lemon juice a day to lose weight quickly.

4. One in twenty would even be happy to intentiona­lly ingest a tapeworm to burn calories. Other drastic — and unhealthy — methods respondent­s would consider trying include eating ice every day, drinking olive oil between meals and consuming jars of baby food. Even though research suggests that the eliminatio­n of certain foods is not sustainabl­e for any period of time, many are opting to cut essential food groups, believing this will encourage faster weight loss.

5. Loving food topped the poll of reasons why dieters found these plans impossible to stick to while a quarter said food and drink were integral to their social life. The poll also found that some had to abandon their diet after it clearly affected their health, with fatigue (21 per cent), weakness (29 per cent) and headaches (26 per cent) putting an end to quick weight loss plans. Confusion about whether fruit should be eaten in limited quantities, with 45 per cent believing sugar content in these items is too high.

6. “Concerns about sugars and carbohydra­tes are largely unfounded,” said Dr Emma Derbyshire, a nutritioni­st speaking on behalf of Love Fresh Berries. “The benefits that fruit brings in terms of micro and phytonutri­ents far outweigh any potential sugar concerns.” She continued: “Such confusion is worrying and clearly further myth busting is needed to help correct these misconcept­ions.”

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