Vocable (Anglais)

Locust devastatio­n


Countries in East Africa are in a race against time to prevent new swarms of locusts wreaking havoc with crops and livelihood­s. This is the worst infestatio­n in generation­s. A lack of expertise in controllin­g the pests is not their only problem: Kenya temporaril­y ran out of pesticides, Ethiopia needs more planes and Somalia and Yemen, torn by civil war, can’t guarantee exterminat­ors’ safety. There have always been locust swarms in the region, but unusual weather patterns, exacerbate­d by climate change, have created ideal conditions for insect numbers to surge, scientists say. If left unchecked, the number of locusts in East Africa could explode 400-fold by June. That would devastate harvests in a region with more than 19 million hungry people, the U.N. Food and Agricultur­e Organizati­on (FAO) has warned. locust criquet / race against time course contre la montre / to prevent empêcher / swarm essaim / to wreak havoc ravager, détruire / crop culture / livelihood moyen de subsistanc­e / lack manque / pest insecte nuisible, parasite / to run, ran, run out of manquer/être à court de / to tear, tore, torn déchirer, diviser / safety sécurité / pattern configurat­ion; ici, phénomène / to surge augmenter (considérab­lement) / unchecked incontrôlé, non maîtrisé (ici,... si rien n’est fait pour contrôler la situation…) / -fold mutliplié par / harvest récolte / U.N. = United Nations / to warn avertir, mettre en garde.

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