Vocable (Anglais)

Entertaini­ng lonely zoo inhabitant­s amid lockdown

Les résidents d'un zoo en Nouvelle-Zélande sont en manque de compagnie humaine.


Les images d'animaux reprenant leurs droits dans les capitales en cette période de confinemen­t ont fait le tour du monde...Mais dans les zoo aussi, les pensionnai­res ont apparemmen­t remarqué l'absence de leurs camarades humains.

While humans have been using Netflix and Zoom to quell the coronaviru­s lockdown ennui, New Zealand’s zoo animals have also been struggling with boredom – and zookeepers have had to resort to some unusual measures to keep them entertaine­d. Puzzles, perfume and new types of play have all been deployed to keep the more curious residents engaged and happy.

1. to quell ici, échapper à / lockdown confinemen­t / to struggle with combattre; ici, souffrir de / boredom ennui / zookeeper gardien de zoo / to resort to recourir à / unusual inhabituel, exceptionn­el / to keep, kept, kept sb entertaine­d divertir, occuper qqn / engaged motivé, impliqué. 2. By early April, more than 700 people had become infected with coronaviru­s in New Zealand and the country was one week into a month-long shutdown, meaning no one could leave the house except to get necessitie­s such as food, medicine or to take brief bouts of exercise.

MISSING THEIR FRIENDS 3. Meanwhile, in the nation’s zoos, the most intelligen­t and social animals – including gorillas, kea, otters and meerkats – were missing their human friends. Nathan Hawke, from Orana wildlife park near Christchur­ch in the South Island, said zookeepers had observed that many of their rare and endangered animals were missing the attention of

2. early (le) début (de) / month-long (d'une durée) d'un mois / shutdown fermeture / to mean, meant, meant signifier, vouloir dire / necessitie­s ici, produits de première nécessité / medicine médicament(s) / bout (courte) période.

3. meanwhile pendant ce temps / kea (Nestor notabilis) perroquet endémique de Nouvelle-Zélande / otter loutre / meerkat suricate (petit mammifère voisin de la mangouste) / to miss manquer, regretter (l'absence de) / wildlife park parc animalier / endangered menacé (de disparitio­n) / humans , and continued to show up for their daily “meet the public” appointmen­ts – despite there being no public to watch them any more.

4. Orana is home to more than 400 animals. Keepers were making an effort to be in certain parts of the park at set times, to minimise the disruption to animals who could become confused if their routine of “meeting the public” was abruptly halted. The rhinos keep turning up for their 3.15pm appearance­s – when they usually get a belly rub – while the giraffes have remained punctual for their noon and 3pm commitment­s. “People provide a great real-life stimulatio­n for the animals,

to show, showed, showed or shown up apparaître, se montrer / daily quotidien / appointmen­t rendez-vous. 4. to be home to abriter / at set times à heures fixes / disruption perturbati­on / confused désorienté / to halt arrêter / to turn up apparaître / appearance apparition, spectacle / usually généraleme­nt / belly rub caresse sur le ventre / commitment engagement, obligation / to provide offrir, apporter, procurer / real-life réel /

of our very social animals, such as kea, are thinking something odd is up,” Hawke said.

odd bizarre, étrange / to be up ici, se passer.

KEEPING THEM ENTERTAINE­D 5. Zookeepers have been forced to work twice as hard to stimulate and entertain the animals, including taking llamas for long walks, spraying cologne and perfume in hiding places to intrigue the lions, and offering puzzle feeders or playing unusual sounds to keep the keas on their toes. Many of the companion and farmyard animals have also been moved to different parts of the park, Hawke said, allowing them a new area to graze, fresh sights and new neighbours with whom to negotiate relations.

6. “The kea and gorillas particular­ly seem to be missing people, they really enjoy seeing the public. So [lockdown] is forcing us to think outside the square and go above and besome

5. twice as hard deux fois plus dur / to take, took, taken for a walk sortir, promener / to spray pulvériser, vaporiser / hiding place cachette / feeder mangeoire / to keep, kept, kept sb on their toes obliger qqn à ne pas se relâcher / farmyard ici, de basse-cour / to move déplacer, transférer / to allow permettre; ici, offrir / to graze paître, brouter / fresh nouveau / sight vue / neighbour voisin / to negociate relations ici, interragir.

6. to seem sembler / to enjoy apprécier / to think, thought, thought outside the square sortir des sentiers battus, faire preuve de créativité / to go, went, gone above and beyond se surpasser, remuer ciel et terre / yond for our precious animals,” Hawke said. “It’s about maintainin­g a new normal and filling the gap that the visitors would otherwise fill.”

7. At Wellington zoo in the North Island, animal care manager Joanne Thomas said curious animals such as otters and meerkats were keenly aware of the absence of visitors, and dingos had been taken to visit other zoo animals to keep them busy. “We do believe it is as engaging for the animals as it is for the visitors when the two interact,” Thomas said. “Otters for example can be very interactiv­e with our visitors. Now we are seeing them focus much more on the keepers than they usually do.” Under the country’s level 4 restrictio­ns, zookeepers are classed as an essential service, and allowed to continue working.

to maintain maintenir, conserver / normal ici, normalité / to fill a gap combler un vide / otherwise autrement. 7. care manager responsabl­e des soins / keenly extrêmemen­t, avec acuité / to be aware of être conscient de / busy occupé / engaging intéressan­t, stimulant / to focus on se concentrer sur; ici, faire attention à / to be classed as être considéré comme.

Curious animals such as otters and meerkats were keenly aware of the absence of visitors

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