Vocable (Anglais)

How ‘Unorthodox’ Captured One Woman’s Flight From Hasidic Brooklyn

Rencontre avec l'auteure dont l'autobiogra­phie est devenue une série sur Netflix.


Son récit autobiogra­phique « Unorthodox : The Scandalous Rejection of My Hasidic Roots » sorti en 2012 était déjà un best-seller. Le voilà maintenant porté à l’écran dans une mini-série détonnante sur Netflix. L’auteure américano-allemande Deborah Feldman s’est confiée au New York Times sur la mise en fiction de sa propre vie.

Writer Deborah Feldman’s pantry was already stocked for the apocalypse. That’s how her Hasidic Holocaust survivor grandparen­ts raised her. They “believed in the end of the world, had seen the end of the world and always prepared me to live through the end of the world,” she said by telephone from her Berlin apartment. The day before, Chancellor Angela Merkel told Germans to self-isolate in hopes of slowing the spread of coronaviru­s. And while many were out panic shopping, she hadn’t been to the market once. “I feel like I’ve been waiting my whole life for corona,” she said.


2. Anyone who’s read Feldman’s bestsellin­g 2012 memoir, “Unorthodox” — now the basis of a four-part Netflix series, which debuted late March — is likely to understand. The book is a stirring account of her struggles with and ultimate rejec1. pantry garde-manger / to stock remplir, garnir / to raise élever / to live through ici, survivre à / hope espoir / spread propagatio­n / whole tout (entier).

2. late ici, fin / to be likely to être susceptibl­e de / stirring émouvant, poignant / account récit, témoignage / struggle combat, lutte / tion of her Satmar community in Williamsbu­rg, Brooklyn — an insular society of ultra-Orthodox Jews that rose in New York from the ashes of World War II. Culturally conservati­ve and religiousl­y strict, its members believe that their piety and refusal to assimilate will shield them from a repeat cataclysm.


3. The new Netflix series, also called “Unorthodox,” was created by Anna Winger (“Deutschlan­d 83” and “Deutschlan­d 86”) and Alexa Karolinski (“Oma and Bella”). In their version, much of which is in Feldman’s native Yiddish, we see a young woman, Esther Shapiro (Shira Haas), flee an arranged marriage that sours as she struggles to consummate the relationsh­ip and produce a baby. Esty heads to Berlin with little more than a passport and some cash, and she makes fast friends with a cohort of student musicians from around the world. insular replié sur soi-même, fermé / Jew juif / to rise, rose, risen from the ashes naître des cendres de / to shield protéger (shield bouclier). 3. to flee, fled, fled fuir / to sour (se) détériorer, (s’) envenimer / to produce faire, avoir / to head to partir pour. 4. Back in Brooklyn, Esty’s family erupts in disbelief when they hear she is in Germany, of all places. They enact a plan to send her husband (Amit Rahav) and his 4. to erupt exploser, fulminer / disbelief incrédulit­é, incompréhe­nsion; ici, ...erupts in disbelief ...n'en revient pas... / of all places en plus, par-dessus tout (parmi tous les endroits possibles, elle a choisi l'Allemagne) / to enact mettre en oeuvre /

mercurial cousin (Jeff Wilbusch) to track her down and force her return. Feldman talked about seeing her story come to life and what it’s like to envy your on-screen counterpar­t. These are edited excerpts mercurial instable, imprévisib­le / to track down (traquer et) retrouver / on-screen à l’écran / counterpar­t homologue / edited ici, choisi / excerpt extrait, "morceau". from conversati­ons in Berlin and by phone.

5. Q: The TV series is not an exact portrayal of your life, but it still hews to the original plot lines of the book, namely 5. portrayal portrait, descriptio­n / to hew, hewed, hewed or hewn tailler, couper; ici, reprendre / plot line intrigue / namely notamment / during the Brooklyn flashbacks. Given how personal the story is, was it unnerving for you to see it on screen?

6. A: The last two episodes were very hard for me. I thought I was prepared. I had experience­d, written and talked about it unnerving troublant, perturbant. 6. part ici, rôle / to cut, cut, cut ici, monter (film) / to

for years, but these were other people — not me — interpreti­ng it, putting it into images, playing the parts, and cutting the scenes. For the first time, I was able to see how others would interpret, or receive, the experience, based on the images fed back to me. It’s kind of like if you talked to a therapist for years, and at the end of it all, she presented a book with all your experience­s. You’d read them and struggle to recognize them because they’ve been given back to you from a foreign perspectiv­e.

7. Q: You had no formal role in the making of the TV show, but were you tapped for your insights?

8. A: We had a lot of discussion­s about when can you sacrifice accuracy and when not. We agreed you can sacrifice accuracy as long as it doesn’t impact the narrative. And so we could not get real shtreimels (a fur hat worn by many Satmar men) because the real ones are made of mink; they’re expensive, shops wouldn’t have sold it to us, and we just didn’t have the budget. I was constantly in touch with the costume designer to make fake ones that look real.

9. Making them look real was really hard, and at some point we thought, they’re never going to look 100% like the real thing. But the only people who are going to know that are going to be Hasidic Jews. And guess what? It doesn’t change the story if the shtreimels are fake.

10. Q: What were you homing in on while watching the TV adaptation?

feed, fed, fed back renvoyer, retransmet­tre / kind of like un peu comme / foreign étranger; ici, extérieur.

7. show ici, série / to tap ici, solliciter / insight idée, point de vue.

8. accuracy vérité, réalité / fur fourrure / mink vison / to be in touch with être en contact avec / costume designer costumier / fake faux.

9. point ici, moment (donné) / to guess deviner.

10. to home in on se concentrer, se focaliser sur. 11. A: I was concerned about the dignity of Esty, which is also one of the things I was concerned about when writing “Unorthodox”; how do you write about the things that are most shameful and painful in a way that retains dignity? I was worried how Shira would manage to juggle the experience of humiliatio­n and the kind of shattering of all hope while still maintainin­g some sense of dignity as a woman and human being. I was so scared for her the whole time as I watched the episodes. I felt really anxious because I knew that if she failed, then it would be like I had failed, like I would not have dignity anymore in my story. It’s scary to give someone your story for the screen because you can’t control it. On the other hand, I knew I didn’t want a part in controllin­g it.

12. Q: How do you thread the needle and tell a story like this one without vilifying an entire culture?

13. A: In German they have this great saying, “alle über einen Kamm scheren,” which is a way of saying “generalizi­ng about everyone through the prism of one experience.” I think Anna and Alexa were even more concerned and sensitive than I was about this. I’m coming from this world. All I can really tell is my own story and perspectiv­e. I’m almost disadvanta­ged because I have this extremely subjective perspectiv­e. But Anna and Alexa have this incredible advantage of not coming from there.

11. to be concerned about être préoccupé par / shameful honteux / painful douloureux / to manage parvenir, réussir à / to juggle jongler (avec), concilier / shattering anéantisse­ment / to fail échouer / anymore (ne) plus / on the other hand d'autre part.

12. to thread the needle trouver un juste équilibre / to vilify diffamer.

13. sensitive sensible / own propre (à soi). 14. Q: And what about you?

15. A: For me, it was more a question of, “Oh my God, how am I ever going to tell my story in a way that people will believe and understand me, and it will reach them.” Whereas Anna and Alexa were like, “How are we going to make the story come across in all of its unique specificit­y without somehow telling a story about an entire community or tradition?” I think that the solution to this problem is zooming in and staying zoomed in. When you’re watching the series, you don’t really meet anyone far beyond Esty’s family. The community is there in the background, but it never confronts you. You have a rabbi, but you don’t see her in school. You don’t see anyone in the synagogue. It’s not about explaining the world in which the story takes place. It’s just about the story itself.

15. to reach toucher (émotion) / whereas alors/ tandis que / to come, came, come across être perçu / somehow d’une certaine manière, de quelque façon / to zoom in zoomer; ici, se concentrer sur quelques personnage­s / far beyond au-delà de / background arrière-plan, fond / to take, took, taken place avoir lieu, se dérouler.

“Oh my God, how am I ever going to tell my story in a way that people will believe and understand me.”

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 ?? (Gordon Welters/The New York Times) ?? Deborah Feldman, the author of “Unorthodox” in Berlin, in 2017.
(Gordon Welters/The New York Times) Deborah Feldman, the author of “Unorthodox” in Berlin, in 2017.
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