Vocable (Anglais)

Découverte Study reveals how human brains grow larger than those of other apes

Une étude révèle la raison pour laquelle le cerveau humain est plus volumineux que celui des autres grands singes


Pourquoi notre cerveau ne ressemble plus à celui d’un singe...

Comment avons-nous acquis des capacités cérébrales supérieure­s à nos cousins primates ? Pourquoi l'évolution a-t-elle favorisé le développem­ent de notre cerveau ? Une nouvelle recherche semble avoir isolé les « organoïdes » faisant de nous des humains. Explicatio­ns avec The Independen­t.

Astudy has revealed how humans’ brains have been able to develop to be larger than those of other apes. Researcher­s at the Medical Research Council (MRC) Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge found a key molecular switch that can make ape brain organoids grow more like human brain organoids, and vice versa.

2. In the study, organoides grown from human, gorilla and chimpanzee stem cells were compared. Organoides are three dimensiona­l tissues which are grown from stem cells and model early brain developmen­t. Scientists found that similar to actual human brains, the human brain organoids grew a lot bigger than those from other apes.


3. “This provides some of the first insight into what is different about the developing human brain that sets us apart from our closest living relatives, the other great apes,” said Dr Madeline Lancaster, from the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology.

4. She added: “The most striking difference between us and other apes is just how incredibly big our brains are.”

5. When the brain begins to develop, neurons are created by stem cells known as neural progenitor­s. These cells start life with a cylindrica­l shape and gradually elongate to look more like an icecream cone once they begin to slow their multiplica­tion.

6. Research in mice showed that their neural progenitor cells mature into a cone shape and slow down multiplica­tion within hours. Researcher­s found that in gorillas and chimpanzee­s this change from cylinder to cone occurs over approximat­ely five days. This process took around seven days to happen in human progenitor cells.

7. The study was published in the scientific journal Cell and discovered that because human cells remained in a cylinder shape for longer, they had more time to multiply and hence the brain was able to grow larger. This could be why there are three times more neurons in human brains than in gorilla or chimpanzee brains. 8. Dr Lancaster said: “It’s remarkable that a relatively simple evolutiona­ry change in cell shape could have major consequenc­es in brain evolution. I feel like we’ve really learnt something fundamenta­l about the questions I’ve been interested in for as long as I can remember what makes us human.”

“The most striking difference between us and other apes is just how incredibly big our brains are.” Dr Madeline Lancaster, Molecular Biologist

 ?? (SIPA) ?? A pensive gorilla from Central Africa.
(SIPA) A pensive gorilla from Central Africa.

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